Monday, May 31, 2010

Melaka Jam Tights

Ha!Ha! Last Thursday Eat with Family turned out quite well. There is the wide spread of food for the steamboat at Sarge Wen's place. In Singapore the indianboyfriend had steamboad promfret with Lee. Well talking about Melaka, it's not jam tarts but Jam tight. Here is an advise for Melaka trippers. Never travel on a public holiday. The Jam last Friday was 4 hours - 2 at the Singapore end and 2 at JB. Destination time at Melaka was 3 .30 pm!!! Anyway managed to go to Diaso and got some strange things. Look at object on top bought at $5 Ringgit. Can anyone guess what on earth it is?
Ha! Ha! End of the month is here and Lta Ennoying will be here this Sat morning to be the Best Man...Local News our Singapore women team made it to be the World Champs at last after beating China. ( Actually it is China beating China!!!)
Oh yes went to see Shrek 4 D in Melaka at $16 Ringgit. Boy it is hilarious and there is quite a strong underlying moral on life. When Shrek made the Ogre roar at the chicken, it immediately lay an egg!!! Funny....
More local news.. the oil slick is being cleaned up but there are stains on the beach everywhere. Heard it is moving towards Johore.
More news about Universal and Melaka tomolo for sure. Meanwhile enjoy the first day of this brand new week!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Oil Slick spreads at Changi

Ha!Ha! It's Thursday today and tomolow is Vesak Day! Short week and long weekend, man! Enjoy!
The top picture show Ah Jie ( cannot call A_____) preparing to take the waterlog ride at Universal... Tip.. be prepared to get wet. The man next to us had actually a flow of water drenching him while both of us wet scot free. So it is where you are seated.
The last pic is the terrible oil slick at Changi which is damaging 7 km of our coast.
Hmm taking care of Ah Sai.. Why Ah Sai... ah yah.. Bon Sai... Now it is green and sprouting a new problem appears. Have to prune to keep it as Ah Sai.. other wise it will become Ah Tua ( big) or may be Ah Jio ( urine).. Ha!Ha!
TV news.. did not watch the Ghost serial except at the end where there is an unexpected turning. The Ghost takes the body of his younger brother! This must see tonight. Well the Ninja Warrior on Channel 5 is pretty exciting.. 100 Japanese girls entered but only 4 passed the course 1 and 2. Only one, the surfer survived the last leg but she was also beaten.. so no winner. The show is hilarilious... you have a character coming in costume and gear and then start off. Then at the first obstacle, plop.. they fell into the water!!!
At home Garmen very good.. Gave another month of conservancy charges for four room flat. And despite the air-con being on now, the bill this month came to only $82!!!Overseas news... two SAF trainees in Thailand were shot by Thai hunters.. One of them is blinded by the shot gun pellets..
Tonight is the night. Family have a meal today. So whether it is late shopping night or what make it a point to have a meal. At least you can then say for 2010, you did have a family meal! Ha! Ha!
No blog tomolow... the indianboy on holiday... have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tale of Two oranges

Ha!Ha! A tale of two oranges... the Biggie was gotten at a promotion at Aunty Lucy previous week. The Smallie is the standard offer. Price difference... Biggie is 60 cts and Smallie is 20 cts.. Guess three smallies is more than one biggie but thanks goodness both are sweet and juicy.
Here is a good pic of June in the hospital. She is now recovering at home.
Back to Universal Studies.. If you are too fearful to ride Battle Star Galactica, then the Curse of the Mummy is for you. Frightening? Yes but not so wild and not too long. The best comparison is Space Mountain...
Local news.. not so good.. there is a giant oil slick over Changi due to collusion of two oil tankers... quite yen chong... seems the fish farms may be affected.. the farmers are now lowering their nets and getting oxygen tanks for pumping..
Ha!Ha! Didn't watch ni chai wo de zuo yu last night as the ghost is going no where. Watched I shouldn't be alive instead. These two friends went fishing and their boat was washed out to sea and for 6 days they were afloat without water or food... Finally rescued by a fishing boat. Which tells the lesson that fishing CAN be dangerous if not fatal... as deaths are possible through drowning, falls in the rocks or even stung by a fish! Ha! Ha! better catch herrings...
The indianboyfriend looked at the mirror this morning and noticed the daily swim has tanned him considerably.. Soon it will be from Ahmad to Selvam!!! Remember tomorrow night is Family eat together night. Just do it!
Today is mid week. Enjoy another new day, man!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Snow Crab for Dinner!

Ha!Ha! More Uninversal Studio pics. If you are caught napping Beetle Juice will jump on you which leads to another tip. Sit around the entrance area if you want to spot Characters to take pics with. They lurk around this area all through the day.
Now, now... there is the snow crab still uncooked. Wonder if it has been eaten. The pic Justin sent was no good as it was cut and paste and not in Jpeg file so cannot upload.
Local news... Whale Whale station is to be moved to Woodlands at last... Also this Thursday is Family eat together day. Garmen wants families to go home and eat a meal together! Last weekend finally got the car washed at Shell Yishun. $7! This is robbery in view Calted charges only $4 but alas at Thomon... Some good news.. Gallantry prices will go down by 50 cts to $1 during the June holidays....Every Rob People become Every holiday review price!!!!
Today is Tuesday and Ah Sai is growing green and well which means time to start pruning soon! Left the laundry in the tub on Sunday as forgotten all about the wash but they are up now. Must get a tub that beeps beeps when the washing is done man!
Fooled by Singapore Pool. Check Toto for Monday and first two number matched the ticket... but that was all.. the rest was chi kuan kuan... pretty cruel joke.
Local news... Man jailed for slapping corpse at funeral!!! International news.. BA on strike but will not affect Qantas....
Have a great day today... and head back home early if the crab has not been cooked yet!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Two meetings over the Weekends

Ha!Ha! It has been a busy weekend.. Took Anthony out for dinner at Hougang Blk 203 for the steamboat pomfret! Ha!Ha! Did you see the oyster egg plate next to it? Then took him to Terminal 3 where he flew back by SQ. Imagine he told me that Gertrude still had the things I brought to them when I visited Anthony when he had his heart attack.
The lower picture is the shady deal done on Sat across the control tower at Yishun MRT. Amber is a very young poly student and looks like Lta Ennoying made a good buy this time. The equipment is only 3 months old and she has never used it before. And there is a warranty card and batteries are INCLUDED. Nice girl but has scheduling problems.
Sunday was the funeral of Dr Goh Keng Swee and it was a grand occasion at the Singapore conference hall. The indianboyfriend did not know he touched the lives of so many common people.
Overseas news.. there is the tragic 737 crash in India which killed over 100 people. Apparently the few survivors just jumped out of the plane when it spilt and left a gap.
Over in Perth an islamic group won a court case for $16000 against Adverture world when they were not allowed to use the facilities wearing their religious clothings.
This is a four day week as Friday is Vesak Day and no jia ban for sure!
Have a great week and fabulous Monday!

Friday, May 21, 2010

It's Christmas Family Holidays Again!

Pretty sad news over Krungthrep this morning. The Central Mall which we went to to search for buffet lunch is pretty in a wreck - no thanks to the red shirt.
Good news... it's Christmas family holidays again this year! Thanks to Kaledoscop3 we managed to secure a 3 bedroom accomodation in Busselton over Christmas. Dunsborough is salmon land althought the April-May Salmon run is over... may be able to catch some late ones.. ha!ha! But they are awesomely large if caught. Pics of Abbey Resort is shown above... Now to figure how to schedule in Christmas dinner and pressie opening since the party will be leaving on 24th pm!
Weather report says rain again today in the morning - in fact it rained last night. Today is Friday and tomorrow will be a slow and easy weekend. Have two missions to accomplish.. first to do the James Bond transaction and second to have a meal with Anthony Tan.
Local news over 5,000 people attended Dr Goh Keng Swee funeral including a 55 year old lady who said she got her education paid because of Dr Goh.
So enjoy because next week same time, Friday is Vesak Day - a holiday!
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Taking Care of Ah Sai

Ha!Ha! The picture on the left brings me to the next Hint for going to Universal Studio... Take a good rest before you go or you will waste your ticket money by napping on the street bench.
Now to Ah Sai... got a shock last week when all the leaves shrivel up... Started to panic and squirt water over it. Next morning still shrivelled.. Then heng ah heng ah on the third day it returned to normal... Ah Sai is quite sensitive.. Shed a few leaves though...
Overseas news... Bangkok is burning... the shopping mall we used to go and the Dusit Than Hotel at near Pat Pong is under attack.. very sad....
Back in Singapore, the Indianboyfriend is donning his James Bond suit to do yet another shady transaction... This time it is a Uni student called Amber... ( Hmm should rendevous at the traffic light and meet when the lights change!)...
Got a message in the phone that Anthony Tan is in town... He has gone to Penang and will return this Friday and then fly back to Sydney Sunday...
Went to Hans for set lunch yesterday.. quite a good deal. For $8.80, you get a soup, garlic bread, the main course of fish and chips with coleslaw, a chunk of fruit and a ice lemon tea! Try to beat that... Opps remember we ate Sentral on Sunday.. Ringgit $9.90 for bowl of lontong, an orange drink and a big bowl of bubor cha cha ( cannot finish one)...
Today is already Thursday..but Friday night have to jia ban leh.. Have another great day!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord, June had a successful operation and is now recovering well. She looks a little weak but is perfectly mobile.As she sat on the chair to converse, Ramesh jumped into the bed to rest. When the nurse came in to give the pain killer jab, lucky never poke into him!!!!

Parking at Mount E is horrendous. The main car park is really small and the Medical centre next door is also limited. The indianboyfriend drove there during lunch and could not find a slot. When he tried Paragon, he missed it and by the time he realised it , he was at centrepoint.. ah... go back to office and return by MRT afterwork which was perfect. Except he was practically lost at Orchard MRT with the multiple exits. Ekkk! Read in the papers that the terrorist the Indon garmen shot had a map with Orchad MRT circled as a target!!!!

June will be out today or tomorrow but will be on hospital leave for about one month. Pray for her speedy recovery!

It rained this morning again and the good air-con made the indianboyr oversleep a little. Lucky had my trusty brolly with me for as soon as the indianboyfriend popped out of Raffles Square, the rain started again.

Giant Oranges... This was what the indianboyfriend picked up at NTUC over the weekend... Very good and juicy leh...Must get more this weekend...

Today is mid week already. The clothes were done on Monday and so was the laundry. Have to do another wash this weekend. Meanwhile have a great day!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

24 Bak Cho Mee Pok

Ha!Ha! The 24 hour Bak Cho Mee Pok uncovered. Mybakuteh was right. It is in upper Thomson Road...Hmm.. wonder if the food will be fresh!!! Maybe better eat the soup version lah...
The other pic is at Universal Studio at the Jurassic park section. Nothing spectacular except good photo shot area.
The papers reported another winner in the Casino in Singapore. This person spent about $50 on the jackpot and then the words "you have won a car" appeared. He thought it was a joke but he won the car and opted for cash of $650,000. Like striking toto! Wonder what happened to the other 1,000 whose money got eaten up by the machine!
Local news.. Goh Keng Swee will get a state funeral...Weatherwise it has been rainy. It rained this morning. June had a successful operation, thanks to your prayers and is recuperating now.
Today is Tuesday and will be another great day. Live it!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Shoe Kuan Kuan

Ha!Ha! On the left is another picture from Universal.This is outside the Curse of the Mummy. The ride is really cool... gives you the shivers. If it has last a little longer, the indianboyfriend would have puke for sure!
Shoe Kuan Kuan ( Shining shoe). No, no more shu kuan kuan during the mountain climbing last weekend. The indianboyfriend did some quicking thinking yesterday. Instead of inserting another fifty into the money eating machine, he saved it for a pair of shoes - a shining pair but it is still shoe kuan kuan I suppose.
Overseas news... Barisan lost their seat for Sibu to DAP. Funny they allow advert by DAP saying if Barison wins they will no longer be able to eat pork mee. These people will be behind bars over here. In Perth, airfares to KL is now $99/-. Ha!ha! still hope for mountain climbing after retirement....Local news.. Goh Eng Swee's death is now the main thing in the news. Lots of people are visiting at the wake.
At Yishun, no laundry over the weekend and will do tonight. It rained a bit over the weekend and lucky the indianboyfriend took an umbrella when he board the train to work. When he stepped out of Raffles Place, it was raining! Yishun okay - the covered walkway has been tested this morning... as dry as a bone
Pray for June Kong who is going to Mount E to have an operations this afternoon.
Today is Monday but time passes fast. Think about the holiday next week and you will start off today with hope!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Auntie & Uncle at Universal

Ha!Ha! One uncle and one aunty at Universal Studios trying to jiang the little children's delight to take pics with Madagascar Characters...Oh yes tips about going to US... Go to the food court next to Waterworld... and do not buy the set as it offers only a desert extra. Ala carte will put in about 8 bucks or so. Very affordable but it is just chicken rice, Malay rice or nasi lemak.

Last night very xin ku man... jia ban until reach home over 10 pm...Missed the Adrian Pang show.. wonder if Wu Fu got to see the family...Ha!Ha! Managed to speak to Kenny yesterday. Says he is fine and now working with Botakjones... Ha!ha! ready for a nice juicy meal at hawker price less special family discount??

Today is the $5m toto night. Can Buy until 9 pm but alas - no Adrian Pang or late night toto buying.. the indianboyfriend is going mountain climbing over the weekend!

Local news it has been raining a fair bit... In bangkok the renegade General who turned to support the red shirts was shot by a sniper. Things are still chaotic.

Christmas may be far away but need to lock in accomodations for another wonderful family trip even if it is for a few days. Remember the family that stays... err fish together, stays together ... or wakes up at 4 am together!! Ha!Ha! Enjoy the Weekend!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Kenny

Happy Birthday to Kenny on his special Day today!

May today be a memorable day for you!

Ban jia or jia ban.... Funny.. have been talking about ban jia lately then very tou mei, it turned out to be jia ban tonight.

This means no 9 pm show. This is the new one where Wu Fu became a ghost and can only be seen by one person - Adrian Pang. Now he wants Adrian to bring him back home to see his family members...
More pics of the indianboyfriend in Universal. Think he took pics with every character except Princess Fiona. Today is already Thursday and time for lunch time swim again...missed it yesterday due to a meeting.
The 5 m toto is seeing large queues now at the ticketing booth. Oh yes, National Day Parade will now be in Padang again this year - after 45 years. The indianboyfriend was marched for the first parade at the Padang then! The theme - Live our Dreams, Fly our Flags. Also Jetstar is planning long hauls at the end of year to Souther Europe ( Rome, France), Korea, and West Australia. Good retirement timing but hope money got enough!!!
Today is Thursday already. Hang on as the weekend starts tomolo!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Which one is the Ogre?

Ha!Ha! Got Xanga beaten by ban jia again. This is the indianboyfriend with the greenie swamp Ogre. We just missed the beautiful princess who showed up the previous time.
Consultant Kaledoscop3 is trying to sort out the indianboyfriend's Xanga and it works, another ban jia!!!
Had a maranthon sleep on Monday night. Jumped into the unmade bed with air con at 8 pm and slept through like a log! The indianboyfriend is as good as new now.
In fact he went swimming at lunch time yesterday.
Local news.. Toto is having a 5 m grand draw this Friday and the stalls are drawing large crowd. The cut off time on Friday is 9 pm... to cater for the last minuters!!!
Read an interesting local news. A woman who is suffering from terminal cancer and expects to live for only two months had her last wish fufilled. What was it? Believe it or not it was to visit the Singapore Casino! And World Resorts gave her the VIP treatment for the visit which ended with her very satisfied! Wonder if she gambled or not!
The indianboyfriend is all set for Perth this year. There is the Oct visit using his long service leave ( don't laugh only 12 days) and then the final Dec visit upon his retirement! And he got Jetstar special buy one one free promotion. Works out to be about $120 per person per trip! Retirement may be a to and fro from B to W... Burs to Woodie! Ha! Ha!
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