Praise the Lord, June had a successful operation and is now recovering well. She looks a little weak but is perfectly mobile.As she sat on the chair to converse, Ramesh jumped into the bed to rest. When the nurse came in to give the pain killer jab, lucky never poke into him!!!!
Parking at Mount E is horrendous. The main car park is really small and the Medical centre next door is also limited. The indianboyfriend drove there during lunch and could not find a slot. When he tried Paragon, he missed it and by the time he realised it , he was at centrepoint.. ah... go back to office and return by MRT afterwork which was perfect. Except he was practically lost at Orchard MRT with the multiple exits. Ekkk! Read in the papers that the terrorist the Indon garmen shot had a map with Orchad MRT circled as a target!!!!
June will be out today or tomorrow but will be on hospital leave for about one month. Pray for her speedy recovery!
It rained this morning again and the good air-con made the indianboyr oversleep a little. Lucky had my trusty brolly with me for as soon as the indianboyfriend popped out of Raffles Square, the rain started again.
Giant Oranges... This was what the indianboyfriend picked up at NTUC over the weekend... Very good and juicy leh...Must get more this weekend...
Today is mid week already. The clothes were done on Monday and so was the laundry. Have to do another wash this weekend. Meanwhile have a great day!
Ha!Ha! One uncle and one aunty at Universal Studios trying to jiang the little children's delight to take pics with Madagascar Characters...Oh yes tips about going to US... Go to the food court next to Waterworld... and do not buy the set as it offers only a desert extra. Ala carte will put in about 8 bucks or so. Very affordable but it is just chicken rice, Malay rice or nasi lemak.
Last night very xin ku man... jia ban until reach home over 10 pm...Missed the Adrian Pang show.. wonder if Wu Fu got to see the family...Ha!Ha! Managed to speak to Kenny yesterday. Says he is fine and now working with Botakjones... Ha!ha! ready for a nice juicy meal at hawker price less special family discount??
Today is the $5m toto night. Can Buy until 9 pm but alas - no Adrian Pang or late night toto buying.. the indianboyfriend is going mountain climbing over the weekend!
Local news it has been raining a fair bit... In bangkok the renegade General who turned to support the red shirts was shot by a sniper. Things are still chaotic.
Christmas may be far away but need to lock in accomodations for another wonderful family trip even if it is for a few days. Remember the family that stays... err fish together, stays together ... or wakes up at 4 am together!! Ha!Ha! Enjoy the Weekend!