Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tale of Two oranges

Ha!Ha! A tale of two oranges... the Biggie was gotten at a promotion at Aunty Lucy previous week. The Smallie is the standard offer. Price difference... Biggie is 60 cts and Smallie is 20 cts.. Guess three smallies is more than one biggie but thanks goodness both are sweet and juicy.
Here is a good pic of June in the hospital. She is now recovering at home.
Back to Universal Studies.. If you are too fearful to ride Battle Star Galactica, then the Curse of the Mummy is for you. Frightening? Yes but not so wild and not too long. The best comparison is Space Mountain...
Local news.. not so good.. there is a giant oil slick over Changi due to collusion of two oil tankers... quite yen chong... seems the fish farms may be affected.. the farmers are now lowering their nets and getting oxygen tanks for pumping..
Ha!Ha! Didn't watch ni chai wo de zuo yu last night as the ghost is going no where. Watched I shouldn't be alive instead. These two friends went fishing and their boat was washed out to sea and for 6 days they were afloat without water or food... Finally rescued by a fishing boat. Which tells the lesson that fishing CAN be dangerous if not fatal... as deaths are possible through drowning, falls in the rocks or even stung by a fish! Ha! Ha! better catch herrings...
The indianboyfriend looked at the mirror this morning and noticed the daily swim has tanned him considerably.. Soon it will be from Ahmad to Selvam!!! Remember tomorrow night is Family eat together night. Just do it!
Today is mid week. Enjoy another new day, man!

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