The top picture show Ah Jie ( cannot call A_____) preparing to take the waterlog ride at Universal... Tip.. be prepared to get wet. The man next to us had actually a flow of water drenching him while both of us wet scot free. So it is where you are seated.
The last pic is the terrible oil slick at Changi which is damaging 7 km of our coast.
Hmm taking care of Ah Sai.. Why Ah Sai... ah yah.. Bon Sai... Now it is green and sprouting a new problem appears. Have to prune to keep it as Ah Sai.. other wise it will become Ah Tua ( big) or may be Ah Jio ( urine).. Ha!Ha!
TV news.. did not watch the Ghost serial except at the end where there is an unexpected turning. The Ghost takes the body of his younger brother! This must see tonight. Well the Ninja Warrior on Channel 5 is pretty exciting.. 100 Japanese girls entered but only 4 passed the course 1 and 2. Only one, the surfer survived the last leg but she was also beaten.. so no winner. The show is hilarilious... you have a character coming in costume and gear and then start off. Then at the first obstacle, plop.. they fell into the water!!!
At home Garmen very good.. Gave another month of conservancy charges for four room flat. And despite the air-con being on now, the bill this month came to only $82!!!Overseas news... two SAF trainees in Thailand were shot by Thai hunters.. One of them is blinded by the shot gun pellets..
Tonight is the night. Family have a meal today. So whether it is late shopping night or what make it a point to have a meal. At least you can then say for 2010, you did have a family meal! Ha! Ha!
No blog tomolow... the indianboy on holiday... have a great weekend!
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