Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Magic Clips

Ha!Ha! The days of flying table cloth is over. We pop over to the mall and got this table clips which did the perfect job!
Meanwhile all the king's men and horses put up old Humpty Clock again. Hmm after some adjustment, it is working fine.
And the Vic Park Handy man is at work yesterday. Ta!Ta! Look at the passage mirror!
Mounted firmly in the passage way!
Yesterday was also the plumber day. Now it is shiok showering - with a hose to manouvre!
Remember too today is 29 Feb! A leap year day which will only come back
the next four days. Birthday babies will certainly miss out on their celebrations here.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Black Sails in the Morning

The laundry lines in the courtyard is awesome. Mybakuteh says you can hanag twice the amount of laundry as in Vic Park. And it dries just as easy.
If you will look at the top corner, you will see a little black dot. That is the waytail that have been visiting us every morning and Sarge Wen AC is quite excited about. Hope it will make a nest soon!
Yesterday was good sammy day. We brought Sarge Wen AC unwanted clothes and extra coffee maker to the collection centre. It was one big box of pretty resaleable clothes.  Sigh electrician costs is really expensive here.
Just found out it costs a bomb to have the lights installed! But if you live here you cannot  have NTCU contractor prices!
Today is Tuesday. Enjoy!

Monday, February 27, 2012

More Comic pic from Dubai

Kaledoscop3 in one of the supermalls in Dubai. She had a bad tummy after eating dimsum. Ha!Ha! Wonder if the Spenser Village stall had a branch in Dubai! Time flies and she will be back this Friday. Hmm got to look out for a girl in black burqa!
Meanwhile after the final clean up of Vic Park by mybakuteh, the place especially Sarge Wen AC room looked like new! The Vic Park Real Estate Agent had his hands full that morning as people streamed in all at the same time. Mybakuteh had to lead a group or two too! In the end, the shortlist was well done. Everyone who came wanted the rent the place. Price was not an issue! Hmm taken with two days after advert and move in with four days! Hmm...kudos to the Vic Park agent and his capable assistant!
Meanwhile there is more enhancements at Success!
As a security, sensor lights for the driveway garage!
And in preparation for Winter, heater lights for the toilets.
And quick hot powerful showers for winter too!
Looks like autumn is here. The days are cooler and the nights are starting to get chilly. The indianboyfriend's toes were tingling last evening!
Today is Monday and a start of another eventful. We are looking forward
to listen to the tales of Dubai!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

First Birthday as MaMa!

It was a nice family dinner last night as we celebrated mybakuteh's birthday - her first as MaMa! And the food was just nice after adjusting the menu for 7 instead of 10.
The signature dish was longevity lobster noodles which was so plentiful that we had to ta bao the balance lobster!
The fish was equally fleshy and tasty although the sharkfin soup has
 somehow shrunk in size.

And it was soon pressie time!
Exclusive limited edition Hannah Tees. Not one but two!
And the largest and biggest pressie came from Sarge Wen AC & Angela.

And how did mybakuteh spend the day besides going to church? Well as an oriental lady, filial piety comes first and we paid our respects to Uncle B. There was a sign flashing "Happy Birthday" whenever she played with one of Uncle B's toys. And being her birthday, Uncle B gave her a nice ang bao!
And meanwhile at Dubai, the tech savy Kaledoscop3 is sending creative comic pics to us.
Her shopping trip revealed in one page. In Dubai it is safe to ask someone to take a picture with your iphone!
Yes Dubai has a nice beach and it is not all desert sand!
Today is the big Day. about a dozen people have confirmed coming to view Beatty Avenue. Now the hard part comes - selection. And believe it or not, enquiries are still pouring in. With some coming with advance cash payment to close the deal on the spot, think it place will be leased by end of today!
Myabakuteh has cleaned the place so well that we want to go back and live in it!
(By the way did you realise the posted jiff of the birthday roses posted yesterday turns into durians if view from a pc? Ha!Ha!)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy Birthday to Mybakuteh! To a most loving wife and wonderful caring Mother! Hmm ..calls for some celebration today for sure!
Yesterday the Vic Park Super Real Estate Agent posted Beatty Ave for lease and there were 277 viewings and 50 enquiries! He had a hard time screening them but we are all set to go for the viewing. Seems that a few are bringing the cash deposit plus advance rental to secure the deal on the spot!
And look at Hannah begining to learn how to use a pen! A budding novelist in the future?
"Mai kua lao lan bei si kia" - bu yao kan lao ren bu ken sheng hai sze. The indianboyfriend put on his protective goggles and drilled up to mount the shoe rack in the garage. The next challenge is to hang up the mirror!
And what happens when someone sweet send you flowers after a few days. Why jia the flowers! But from where? The garden of course. These are so many varieties of flowers that you can have cut flowers everyday!
Meanwhile in Dubai, Kaledoscop3 went crabbing at "little Mandurah" on the waterfront. Hmm caught three tasty flower crab... Said she saw some mud crabs but they are expensive to catch!
Today is also the birthday Banquet Night... Lobster noodles... shark fin soup.. man.. it will be some celebration for some one very special!

Friday, February 24, 2012

And the Gates went Up!

Ha!Ha! The gates went up at Langford. Hmm in anticipation of dear Hannah's crawling or just to keep the cats out!
More pictures of dear Hannah. She was a happy baby when we visited her yesterday.
That is as long as she doesn't see her Mummy!
Back at success the Vic Park Handy Man assembled all of the remaining Kaledoscop3 chairs. There are eight of them! Now there is a patio spot to do work in the morning!
You may have seen the advert over TV on Listerine telling you that you do not do things half way. So there is half a clock! There was a loud crash last night as the clock fell off the stick-on-wall hook. But miraculouly, it is still working. So today's challenge is to put Humpty back again!
Meanwhile the Vic Park Real Estate agent has proudly closed his first deal on Kaledoscop3 place. He is not taking on the second challenge for Vic Park. Thanks to Gumtree, both advertisements were successful - the other was a scoopon voucher!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Drinking from a Straw

Look at dear Hannah drinking from a straw at Success.
And a happy baby playing on the bed. Mybakuteh is creating a Hannah room at success - hmm actually it is the play school classroom. Only one classroom and only one baby is permitted!
The garden is so teeming with blooms that this plant is flowering like crazy on the footpath. Hmmm the dilemma is whether to trim them off or leave the flowers as they are.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Korean BBQ every night

Ha!Ha! The Beatty Avenue Handyman went to Red dot and bought a $5 saw. Hey Presto, the Korean BBQ pit is not fixed and is a level table top! No labour charge!
And why is dear Hannah so happy yesterday? She went a visiting MaMa and Kon2! And she was so happy that she cried for joy now and again after she arrived!
Look at the little princess playing by herself. Funny thing - no need of expensive toy. Just to bottle covers and she kept herself occupied! Think the indianboyfriend want to register the Success Pay School:
(1) Admit only one baby
(2) Carer-baby ratio: 2 to one
(3) Open everyday except Uncle B Day
(4) Take away for parents at every visit - bacon, veg and fruits.
(5) Carers professionally trained teachers with one majoring and scoring distinction in educational pyschology
Ha! Ha! More pics from Dubai
Sandstorm in Dubai.... Not as serious as Mission Impossible but an inconvenient for outdoor activities.
The next challenge is to mount the shoe rack - with stick on wall hooks!
Wish the indianboyfriend luck!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hannah at Success

Ha!Ha! Success had the honour of princess Hannah's visit. And she was in the peak form, smiling and entertaining all of us! Is it a bird? Is it a Plane? No, it is Sarge Wen AC doing the superbaby bit for Hannah! And she loves it!
And of course, the kingly throne for the little princess!
And here is the tireless Sarge Wen AC entertaining Hannah!
So cheeky that she can stick out her tongue and tease you!

And a picture from Dubai from Kaledoscop3. The aquarium in the Dubai mall! The weather is getting hotter. The forrest fire in the south is getting worse and the town of Northcliffe is now asked to evacuate. These are things you normally do not worry about in Singapore.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Thank God for Wi Fi

The indianboyfriend and mybakuteh has nice chats with Kaledoscop3 yesterday a few times. Face Time makes it so convenient and FREE! It is as if she was just next door! From the conversation, it seems Dubai is a really nice place. And the last message we had from her was KFC is only 10 dirhum or $3.50 for a two piece with fries!
We are just amazed at the green fingers of the house previous owner. The garden is blooming feverishly. And the variety of flowers are just as amazing. The white rose above has been flowering since we moved in. Unfortunately it is near the gate so when it is opened, a few petals drops off.
Out here is also a place for wild life.. hope there are no snakes. In the evening and morning, flocks of white cockatoo parrots will hover over the estate. The next big challenge is to maintain the botanical gardens.
Today is the Lord's Day. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

News from Dubai

Thanks to Facetime, we had uptodate feedback on Dubai from Kaledoscop3. The wifi in the hotel is first class and it was like talking to her next door. Above is the dinner she ordered for only S$9! Seems everyone in the department stores are Philipinos and there is a large Indian workforce. The good thing is everyone speaks English. If you know Hindi, Talalog or Arabic, it is a bonus. Seems Dubai is practically the safest place in the world! Friday and Sat is weekend so you get excited on Thursday.Kaledoscop3 was caught in a sandstorm yesterday - Ha!Ha! like Mission impossible!
Good Neighbours. We saw the neighbours across the street moving his lawn and he waved the indianboyfriend over for a chat. Then he said he will mow the front lawn for us. We thought he was joking but when we got back from IKEA, it was done! We were very touched by such good Aussie hospitality and felt we have really moved to very nice place. This is the same neighbour that greeted us earlier and invited us to swim in his pool!
Today there is more work assembling the IKEA furniture. It is also time for church. Kaledoscop3 says church services in Dubai are held on Friday!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Lawn Challenge

The indianboyfriend completed the lawn challenge. Two gruelling hours of hard word. The grass was so tall that pushing the mover takes tremendous efforts not to speak of the many times the blade get stuffed with grass clumps. It was like jogging for 5 km. Sweat poured down the forehead... very quickly as forehead is shining smooth and sting the eyes!  Well not a perfect job  but a first cut. Need the line trimmers to do a second touch up.
Hmm this part is easier as the grass is short. But this is not all: part 2 of rhe challenge is the patch in front of the house. By the way this is cow grass. They are more expensive that carpet grass over here...and more preferred. Ni shuo qi kuai bu qi kuai!
Yesterday the Vic Park real estate and his assistant went to work. His assistant did a great job showing around. Got a pretty good prospect and thing the deal will be concluded before the month is out.
Meanwhile it is more clearing up of Vic Park.
Today is Friday and it is a holiday at Dubai - lucky Kaleodscop3!
We are off to IKEA to today to complete the book shelf!
Have a great day .. weekend is here!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ignorance is Bliss

Ha!Ha! Here is dear Chubbers at the clinic with Mummy awaiting her jab! She looks so brave and calm. Guess the blind man is not afraid of the tiger!
Here is Chubbers in her new year colours. Now she always try to articulate some sound when she is excited. Hmm must learn the baby language!
This is quite an extraordinary picture which the indianboyfriend took on the last deep fishing trip. This seal was sleeping on the boat launch pad.
wondered if it was hurt. But the eyes were opening and closing so guess the animal is okay.
Meanwhile it is still more unpacking and clean up of Victoria Park. Mybakuteh has turned the place into sparkling clean! Also she found the magic white cleaner Kaledoscop3 gave to her. It cleaned the fridges at Success like magic!
Meanwhile the trusty Vic Park Real Estate agent is hard at work hoping to close a deal by the end of this week!
Today is the grass challenge day!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hannah celebrates her first Valentine Day!

Ha!Ha! Dear Hannah making moves on Lucas but wonder why he does not seem to be interested. Maybe he is trying to be coy, playing hard to get!
Moving to the suburbs has it plus and minus. The minus is the traffic at Kwinana expressway. The plus is you see more of the blue sky and sunset. But now there is a haze over the city due to the forest fire in the SW at Karri forest.
Well there is more unpacking every day and assembling IKEA furniture has become a challenge. But we are getting there. Biggest problem is disposing of old packings and garbage. But the biggest challenge is the lawn!
Today is midweek. Have a great Day!