Friday, February 17, 2012

Lawn Challenge

The indianboyfriend completed the lawn challenge. Two gruelling hours of hard word. The grass was so tall that pushing the mover takes tremendous efforts not to speak of the many times the blade get stuffed with grass clumps. It was like jogging for 5 km. Sweat poured down the forehead... very quickly as forehead is shining smooth and sting the eyes!  Well not a perfect job  but a first cut. Need the line trimmers to do a second touch up.
Hmm this part is easier as the grass is short. But this is not all: part 2 of rhe challenge is the patch in front of the house. By the way this is cow grass. They are more expensive that carpet grass over here...and more preferred. Ni shuo qi kuai bu qi kuai!
Yesterday the Vic Park real estate and his assistant went to work. His assistant did a great job showing around. Got a pretty good prospect and thing the deal will be concluded before the month is out.
Meanwhile it is more clearing up of Vic Park.
Today is Friday and it is a holiday at Dubai - lucky Kaleodscop3!
We are off to IKEA to today to complete the book shelf!
Have a great day .. weekend is here!

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