Monday, February 13, 2012

Away From the City

Ha!Ha! This is our first dinner at the new place in Success. Unfortunately Sarge Wen AC had to work. Dinner was on the one piece tree slab table which was just delivered from the country. We had a hard time bringing in  this heavy weight into the house due to the winding doors. But it was splendid looking and sitting on the end looks like a medieval scene in the Game of thrones.
But there is more work to be done to unpack and store.
Kaledoscop3 has arrived safely in Dubai on Sat and have started work already. It was good to get both sms and ipad messages from her.
Looks like now the city is not so near and there is always the threat of road congestion along the Kinawa expressway.
Well with internet up, guess it will be back to blogging daily here again!
The weather is getting better and it is pretty cool at nights.
Praise the Lord for his bountiful blessings!

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