Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Lo Hei in Hopkinson Way

It was  an evening of good fortune seeking as we had our Perth Reunion at the brand new Hopkinson home. Under Xian hospitality, we had a Korean BBQ feast ( which has been aunthenicated by Angela!).  Thank  God
 for family love.
And to join in the festivities were our kitty friends.
Kitty with fake mouse!
A shy Kitty.
Not so shy family members hard at work
Huar ah, huat ah, everybody.
Sizzling BBQ meat for all!

Yummy yummy food and more food!

Ha!Ha! Does it look like a Dragon? No applause please!Thanks to Xian for the memorable evening and all her hard work to provide for the occasion! The night climax with a magmum for all!

Meanwhile, Hannah has survived the Camping trip and is now a tenderfoot!
And now you see it and now you don't. Hey presto and Kaleodscop3 care plates have changed from R3N to 777!!!!
Have a great day everyone!

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