Monday, January 23, 2012

Xian Nian Kuai Le!

A happy New Year from a truly happy Hannah who is delighted to greet the Dragon Year for sure!
Welcomed the Dragon Year last night at Henry place and there was food abundant for all.
This year mybakuteh's yu sang came out tops! Everyone commended on the preparation but alamak, the indianboyfriend did not get credit for the design.
Surely it looks like a Dragon except some people say it looks like a dinasaur and this some people is not Eton or Joab either!
Another pic of the lor hei.. Ha!Ha! Glad to learn the indianboyfriend is not alone in having thinning crown!
And the spread of food...
And Xian's special olives.. Bak Kwa comes today!
And everyone tucking in merrily.
And nostalgia sets in. The children's table which used to have little boys and girls crowding around is now filled by too adult cousins!
And magnum for deserts too!
And we have a happy video girl Nikky who went about take funny shots of every one!
And even the doggy was celebrating with us!
Gong xi fai Chai! Wan sze ru yi! sheng di qian kang! Pu pu kao sheng!
What we saying is Huat, huat, Huat.
May the Good Lord truly bless!

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