Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Scawny decides to Stay!

Ha!Ha! Found out that Scrawny was a female cat and pregnant with babies. So went to Aunty Lucy and bought a pack of cat food. No sight of scrawny in the morning. It was not until 4 pm that she turned up. Gave her the food in a plastic bowl and she ate it all. Then suddenly she started meowing when we open the door as if to say thank you. And she stayed on the bench for the whole evening until 7 pm when we gave her another feed. Then she disappeared for the night. Like the Langford cats, we will feed twice a day. Pity we will not be around to see our grand kittens!
While all this excitement was going on, dear Hannah is sound asleep like a princess!
Here is a pic of Scrawny who decides to stay!

Meanwhile we went to buy a toaster as requested by Sarge Wen AC. Imagine.. a beautiful big toaster for only $29!
And we are packed to return to Perth. Alamak.. weigh and weigh and still overweight. Then got brainwave and called airline and bought more luggage space. Now got room just enough for toaster!
Also have been put down in Kaledoscop3 wedding ceremony for the prayer of Blessing... Hmm. got the verse ready already . Matt 19: 5 "For this cause, shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh"! Ha!Ha! Also got my straw hat and sunnies ready!

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