Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Nian Nian you yu!

Ha!Ha! Dear Hannah is now on her latest contraption - a stationery walker!
She got her first Ang Bao last night at the Kong's reunion dinner!
And Halt Chor played the role of a very successful host especially as a graduate of the many community centre cooking classes. There was a large spread of food and with the pizza from Hyatt brought by Tony, there was enough food to ta bao for all!

Talking about Old Town, June took this nostalgic picture with her iphone!
Look at the dragon Yu Siang that is designed jointly by mybakuteh and the indianboyfriend! Ha!Ha! It got several good comments last night!

Alamak. They were lor hei-ing and luckily the indianboyfriend said Nian Nian you yu. Then mybakuteh remembered she forgot to put in the salmon and made a quick trip to the kitchen to do so!
Look at the spread of food!
And a nian nian you yu desert!

And here is the Community Centre Cooking Graduate preparing the food before the dinner!
We took two separate pictures this year - one of the women and one of the men. The woman looked happy because the men were not around and visi versa!
Ha!Ha! This is a well crafted shot to reflect the fish necklace and the fish desert!
The MRT tripback was long and this morning we were pleasantly woke up by Hannah facetime!

She is not quite awake yet and looks at the ipad as if it was a TV. Look at her hair - they have really grown!
Today is Tuesday and will be a quiet day. No more durians as the stalls have switched to selling pomelos!
Have a great day and look out for more pictures on the Cheok's family reunion this Sunday.

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