Sunday, January 22, 2012

Xin Nian Kuai le!

Ha!Ha! Cai Shen dao! Tonight is Nerw year's eve. People are rushing to buy the arowana fish ( dragon fish) at $6000 up for each. And Also the dragon cat - which is a rodent for $300 up each. Last year 400 rabbits were abandoned after the end of the celebrations! So the Cheok's reunion dinner is at Mayflower.

And it was Chinese New year cookies buying yesterday. Hmm the indianboyfriend also sampled every type when mybakuteh was chosing!

Ha!Ha! Finished Murakaim 1Q84 Book 3 in my Kindle yesterday! Looks like there is a need for 1Q84 Book 4 as the story is not exactly complete! Clever Murakami! I bet this book will be made into a movie with Part
Ha!Ha! Look at Chong Pang Yesterday.
You practically cannot move around with all the oranges piling up for sale and the pomeloes and all the Chinese cookies! Funny come tomorrow morning, it will be a deserted place. Look out for last minute drop prices tonight. Pity Lta Ennoying D is not in Singapore or he will pop down Chinatown as usual buying his after midnight bargain... On second thought with Chubbers, he may have to change his routine!
Location, location, location. This is the lucky 7 Eleven ToTo stall in Chong Pang with long queues as usual. And look at Mr Business Man who put up his number selecting birds for the punters! Strategic targeting for sure!
Think the indianboyfriend's Ipad has gone haywire. Keep on cutting off when on internet. Hmm don't know got warranty or not without receipt.
Read foour people were hit my lightning in Perth yesterday. One man describe it was a spade hitting his chest. Another shivered as the lightning hit near him... Papers said there were 8,000 lightning strikes yesterday! It is certainly a good time not to strike anything!
Today is Sunday and it is also the Lord's Day.  It will be a Chinese New year appreciation service this morning! Got to figure out about breaky tomorrow as all shops will be closed from noon today!

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