Saturday, January 21, 2012

Heaviest downpour!

It was one of the heaviest thunderstorm yesterday for sure. The whole sky was black and then torrential rains fell in the afternoon. Of course there were floods - in Thomson, Tanglin and Verasamy road.
Ha!Ha! Face time with Chubbers again this morning. She really looked very chirpy today and was smiling over the video! Learned she is now eating a lot.. and standing at the corner, we present the babyweight champion of Langford, weighing in at 5.4 kg!

We got the beautiful angpows from stirling partners. They were nicely embossed and there was a nice message attached. Long nian da chi da li!!!!
And mybuket went on her lunchdate with her good friends and came back with two big ang pows for Hannah... and one in Australian dollars some more!!!
Back to the cruise pics. This video clip shows the ship in motion.
The ship has a library and here is mybakuteh signing back the book she borrowed and read on the trip.

And one of the value moments of the cruise. Sunrise across the horizon.
The daily breakfast is wonderful. Not buffet but table served and you can get almost anything you want and repeat orders if you can eat!
And this is a find waldo pic. Where is mybakuteh?
Well she is right here eating her lunch, or brunch, or maybe tea!

Went for a search for Scrawny but cannot find her. Hope she is not killed by some one.
Today is Saturday and we did not become millionaires judging from the location of the 6 winning retail outlets!  Anyway, life goes on and remember we are already so richly blessed by the good Lord. Enjoy the weekend

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