Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy Birthday, Kaledoscop3!

Today is the seconday of the Chinese Lunar New year and it is also the Birthday for Kaledoscop3. Double joy and happiness to you!

May the Lord truly blessed you in the year ahead with good health and success in all your endeavours!
Meanwhile back in Singapore, it was Ang Pow giving and collection day.

The Day began with mybakuteh giving out the first ang pow to Joab who says " Gong Xi Fai Chai" to everyone who gives him an Ang Pow.
It was a morning of Matching colours for joab and Ethan, Wai Ping and Hubby and Yin Peng and Gayle!
Hmm great togetherness for hubby and wify.
Brotherly similarities for Ethan and Joab
Mummy and daughter sharing one shirt????
A picture of the cousins who are no longer little!
Then the party moved to Yishun!
With Gayle and Gabriel playing the same old matroska!

And it was also a morning of ang pow collection. The Cheoks have been generous in their new year greetings!
And the winner of the most ang pows received goes to Hannah who is now enjoying her new swing toy!
The bottom row belongs to Hannah, the second row to Sarge Wen AC
and the top to Kaledoscop3 who will be receiving for the last year!

It was an enjoyable but tiring day - enjoyable because we could meet up with family and to learn that everything is well through the Lord's blessings.
Today is Chiu zi and it is time to fly back to Perth to continue our celebrations with the Perth Family. What better way to start this beautiful day than to facetime with dear Hannah!
Dear Hannah enjoying her special meal mixture of love letters, bak kwa and kueh banka! Hee! Hee!

For the rest of us, continue on the celebrations and remember the goodness of the Lord always!

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