Saturday, January 14, 2012

Plain Cruising

Wah, you go cruise so many days never post my cute pics over your blog, Gong2! How can like that?  Even Tabitha  is twitching all over!
Alamak, the Royal Carribean cruise not so atas as they say one.  And the indianboyfriend's sore thumb is the Wi Fi. Imagine it is .65 US cents per minute or $36 per hour. We were told it was very slow too!
But got no internet but luckily brought Harikami's book 3 of 1Q84 there. Kindle is really marvellous - so light and easy to carry. Can check meaning of words immediately and no need to earmark the your book - you just return where you have left off.
This is the desperado trying to take a self portrait off the balcony. Brought a tie but alamak, the Captain no sound or no picture so have to eat humbly in one corner.
Here is the spacious deck. But the facilities are rather plain and no superior to Star Cruise. The swimming pool is really tiny and help confirm no use having a tiny pool at any time.
This is where we spent half of our time in this room which is quite comfortable. The ship is as solid as a rock. It is jia ba koon, koon ba jia routine. The Romeo and Juliet restaurant was pretty good as it is table served and you can order as many helpings as you want... eg two starters, two deserts etc that is if you can eat so much. Room service is FREE during the day!
We were also saved by our Ipad... even no internet but can play games. As veteran cruisers we are now very smart- Check in and straight away went for buffet lunch!
Hmm.. eat until peng for sure! We were also saved by the Casino.. actually the Casino save the ship... From Phuket to Singapore, it is practically opened all night! Lucky got many slots at 1 ct.
But all we can say is that it is relaxing. We went for a game show and alamak no one turn up but us and they have to cancel the show!
Think the indianboyfriend have put on a few kilos!
More pictures the following day!
Chinese New year reunion in Perth has been set on 30 Jan I believe. Good young Xiany has offered her brand new house for the auspicious occasion! Well the Singapore Dinner is on Monday for the Kongs and Saturday for the Cheoks!
It's Hannah's red letter day.. actually red ang pow occasion as she will ne celebrating her FIRST Kong Hee Fatt Chai in the Dragon year!
Meanwhile, we qietly slurped up another durian before we went to bed.
Have a great weekend!

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