Monday, January 9, 2012

One week of Cruise!

Ha!Ha!Today is the beginning of our Carribean Cruise to Phuket! Of course cannot beat some one as it is only our second cruise. Better bring a tie in case get invited to Captain's table again!!! This time more prepared as managed to purchase Murakami Book 3 from Amazon. Now Kindle got new cover and new book! At least this time the reading will be light unlike the hard cover copy of the Book 1 & 2. Wonder there will be more cats in Book 3!
Forgot to mention in previous blog that the Christmas pressie bag went to Bangkok too! Maybe it has also gone to Melbourne yesterday for a week! And the Christmas pressie socks!!! Now that they have suffered the city's pollution, guess they will survive anyway!
Strange things are happening at Words with Friends. The Sifu Sarge Wen AC actually resigned in the last game with formidable mybakuteh! And Lta ]ennoying AC is playing in the wee hours of the morning!!!! Looks the new Queen is the undisputable mybakuteh! If you do not believe open a game with her ( the game name is the indianboyfriend!). She will have all the time to play with you on board ie if there is wifi!If there isn't, you will only read this blog on Saturday!
Have a great week ahead!

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