Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fa La La La!

Ha!Ha! It was not chai png last night but fried la la - steaming hot! This morning is fine despite a rain forecast so it is back to the old exerciese routine for mybakuteh... Local news.. controversial media corp bad girl Quan Yifen was reported as having taxi rage... kicked the taxi driver on the groin because he did not want to help with luggage and scattered all the drivers ' money all over the car. Now she is employing a lawyer  to defend her as the Taxi driver filed a complaint against her..
All set for Lta Ennoying's trip back to Singapore on 7 July!Hope he does not dash straight to the mee pok stall again!
Soccer. Poor Japan drew with Paraguay but lost on penalty kicks ( 5-3). Spain got in but Portugal is out. The quarter finals will be interesting with the top players... Will be drag yourself out of bed at 2.30 pm and watch the matches?
Mybakuteh says no but the indianboyfriends says yes.
Today is mid week. Have a great day!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Chiak Lu Lian Men

Ha!Ha!Once you get into Singpore, what do you do? Eat Durians.. and they are going for a song. The three biggies went for only $5 at Yishun.
Well, this is not going to be the last buy for sure. Chi Kuan Kuan again for the $5m toto draw last night. Wonder what is keeping Mr Teo's sibling from visiting! They must be occupied watching football.
Rained heavily this morning again and looks like there will be more flash floods. At Yishun the chai png stall is suffering the lost of one regular customers!
Watch an interesting program on discovery called caught barehanded. In US they have a sport called noodlers where people diving into river and attract giant catchfish to bite their hand and then yank them up to the water. The catches goes up to 15 kg or so. Then there is a place in there river where Chines carps are numerous. When drive the motorised boat over, the fishes all fly out of the water and all you need is a net to catch them. Many of them just leap and onto the boat! Amazing program.. it also shows certain eel like fish that mate in night in the sand on the beach! So people had their pails ready and just walk over and collect them!  Must watch some more man...
Today is Tuesday and hope the weather in Perth has improved so Sarge Wen will not freeze at the bus stop on the way to work.
By the way the two lao hero at home had a make over last weekend. They now sport a beautiful crop of black hair! ( For the indianboyfriend, whatever hair is left!).
Have a great day today for sure!

Monday, June 28, 2010

SQ very Naughty

Ha!Ha! Giant persimonns. That's part of the 26 kg luggage that arrived last Saturday night with mybakuteh. SQ very naughty... Go to Perth use terminal 3 but come back quietly use terminal 2. The indianboyfriend went to Terminal 3 and panicked when the arrival board did not list SQ from Perth. But luckily Terminal 2 nearby so all went well.
The first impactful change after mybakuteh's arrival was the lounge set. It has been moved to the front as it has slided further and further back for the last three months. Suddenly the TV looks so big!
Wonderful Breakfast! All was set for a big breakfast this morning as bread was bought and the ham was toasted. All nicely packed to go. But the indianboyfriend forgot to put the packed breakfast into his bag after toasting the bread! So it will become mybakuteh's breakfast. And theindianboyfriend?
Luckily he brought TWO mandarin oranges.
World Cup - no surprises as Germany beat  England 4 -1. Argentina is going strong, licking Mexico 3-1. And USA has been edged out by Ghana 1-2! Ha! Ha! still debating whether to crawl out of bed to watch the quarter finals!
Singapore news. Some Singaporeans were hurt in a speedboat crash off Koh Samui in Thailand for the annual Night Rock festival. A total of 33 were hurt in the incident. Lastest news is 46 year old journalist Sumiko is finally getting married!
Today is Monday and the chai png era has come to an end... Disastrous business loss for the chai png operator!
Heard it is freezing cold now in Perth especially in the morning - below zero degrees.
Have a great day this Monday!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Chi Kuan Kuan

Ha!Ha! Found this picture while looking through the photo file. It is Sarge Wen's 19th birthday in 2003. The little kid is just in college! Hmm..wonder if anyone remember the place.. Bibra lake?
Perth news.. Julia Gillard has taken the world news by storm.. This lawyer by training was born in Wales and migrated to Australia. Her partner is a hairdresser! Looks like she has the passion to make some changes.
Local news. The boss of SMRT got a pay of $1.6 m last year... wonder is this is why the fares are going up...
Chi Kuan Kuan.. no, no, the indianboyfriend is not talking about TOTO..( By the way the $3m draw last night also chi kuan kuan.. System 7 got no system one - not even on number touch leh!)  he is talking about the frozen bread in the fridge. Na me qiao... just when mybakuteh is coming back tomolow night! Got a story about cowboy town JB from Poh Choo. She says if drive to JB and people splatter eggs on your windscreen, do not wipe cos the white will blind you and you have to stop. Then they rob you.. ( kill you also?)...They have reduced the second link toll but no no no to JB for sure. Curtin wrote to the Indianboyfriend and told him he is accepted for the Masters program in 2011 but the problem is course fees.. Very expensive and wonder if it is worth the effort...Today is Friday again and have a great weekend... but of course not for the little ( or monster) squids lurking in Woodie or claremont jetty! Ha!Ha!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Kaledoscop3 Dream

Ha!Ha! One day, maybe one day, Kaleddoscop3 may just hit this size for a squid. Dream or Nightmare? The Nightmare is how to eat it!
Soccer.. USA and England is on for the last 16th... So the game gets more exciting....In Aussieland it is going to be a fight between Kevin and Julia... Will Australia get its first woman prime minister?? Ha! Ha! Over in USA the Afgan Commander has been asked by Obama to resign because of his press statement. This show that capability is not the only assurance to work.. a slip of indiscretion can ruin a person.....Last night was Big Wash ( Not Big Win in Casino lah)... Lee has to jia ban as it was two week's laundry...Interesting to watched over TV last night that the chickens we import from JB farms have piped music for them to listen!!!!
Today is already Thursday! No, it did not rain during lunch so the swim went smoothly. Oh yes, today is the $3m TOTO. Hope Mr Teo's brother,
Teo T. T. will be free to pay a visit! Ha!Ha! Quite happy even if his younger brother shows up ( Teo Thian Poh).
Have a great day today and believe it's Sat night shopping!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The One that Got Away

Ha!Ha! That is called a Chermin fish according to Lee. It is so flat that it looked like a dried fish!
Pic below is compliments from Wai Ping.. conversation went as follows:
Sarge Wen: The fish was so big but it got away...
Kaledoscop3: (thinking) Wish it was a squid..
Lta Ennoying: Wah.. this is the 10 times he told it and the fish got 10 times bigger!
Joab's Dad: My whole family uses Colgate for sure....
Mybakuteh: Hmm.. left wisdom tooth missing...
Well more world cup news... France is out of the games together with South America... Argentina is going strong and Mexico is in last 16.. Hmm got to go to MacDonald to watch the quarter finals....
It was another early night for the indianboyfriend as he slept at 9.15 pm...It was a demential day for him as he went to the pool to swim and found he did not bring his swimming trunk! And goggles! The last time he did not bring his card but the Life guard was gracious to allow him. Answer to this? leave another set of swimming thing in the car and photo stat the card! Will the day come when the indianboyfriend has all the swimming things but forgot to go swimming or perhaps where the swimming pool is!!!!
Did the laundry on Monday and tonight is ironing night for Lee... No one struck TOTO on Monday to the prize has ballooned to 3m this Thursday... Thinking hard whether to spend ( or throw away) some money on a System 7!!!!
Today is Wednesday and mid week... Systems check - swimming trunk okay. Goggles okay... card okay... Sigh.. hope there is no afternoon showers!!!!
Things are happening soon... Mybakuteh will be back on Sat and Lta Ennoying and wify heading for the continent soon...Enjoy today just as like every day! Praise the Lord for his blessings always!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Another Monster Cat Fish

No!No! Not the Swiss man. Ha!Ha! The nice young Business consultant above did something not very nice.. he vandalised the MRT... looks like he may be getting some strokes if found guilty. Meanwhile garmen is searching for the partner who left for Hong Kong...
Below pic is another fish Lee caught.. Called a Coba by her it is 16 kg.. this type of ugly fish should also catch and release as they can live up to 50 or 60 years...Hmm looks like a catch fish in the River Monster show on Discovery....Wonder if they have monster squids there! Ha!Ha!
Soccer. North Korea suffered a humiliating defeat by Portugal. 0-7! Unprecedented in world cup margin. I bet Singapore pools went away laughing this morning with all the winning.. chi kuan kuan again.. In Perth looks like Ken Talbot and his board all died in the African air crash.. So uncertain is life...
Sunday was a quite Father's Day.... Hmm.. maybe wait until the REAL Aussie Father's Day - 1st Sunday of Sep man!!!! Actually should get pressie twice...
Today is Tuesday and last night was maranthon sleep at 8.30 pm. Looks like the system is back to normal and it will be lunch time swimming as usual...
Mr Teo T.P. visited the indianboyfriend last Friday because he teo tam poh TOTO - $30 actually. Hope he will soon bring his brother Teo Chuei Chuei along!
Have a great day!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sai Fish at Mersing

Ha!Ha! This is the result of Lee's Mersing mid week trip. Caught a large sail fish... Glad it was a catch and release thing.
Well today is Monday again except it is a red eyed Monday!
Not much of local news except people complaining again about lack of HDB parking space..Looks like there may be lesser white lines for visitors to park.
Times flies and Mybakuteh will be back this Saturday with more roasted nuts!!!Enjoy... zzz...zzz..

Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Joab

Ha!Ha! This weekend is Joab's party and the parents are flying back from Perth to celebrate this great occasion! And while celebrating do not forget Sunday is Father's Day too!
More Universal Pictures! Despite having so many pics withthe Cartoon characters, this one elude the indianboyfriend and Lee... Kungfu Panda.. aiyah.. he's not so cute after all.
Soccer... Mexico has causde France some grief and this one time Winner looks like it may exit the game! At home Opposition blame government for their poor town council rating and Garmen blame on choked drain for the Orchard road flood chao. In Yishun the indianboyfriend blame Toto for giving false hope. Last night's draw, the indianboyfriend got the FIRST four numbers right... yep two more to go. And when he looked up again to continue the check.. its again chi kuan kuan... Don't to take the $30 and go for a good meal or to bao zhou!!!!
The indianboyfriend had to jia ban last night and it looks like all the jia ban will be over now. Local news.. Captial land is going to build a mall in Seletar to create a Seletar Village concept..
All quiet on the religious front. Today is Friday... Have a great weekend.. but not for the Sotongs for Kaledoscop3 is coming for you!!! Ha! Ha!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Orchard Road Flooded but not with sales!

Ha!Ha! Garmen dig dig the roads and now mighty flood in Orchard yesterday early morning.. PUB cannot understand and now is checking...Hmm thought they brag that floods are events of yesterday...
More local news.. Pastor Kong Hee's wife Ho Sun has been grilled by police for over eight hours yesterday... At the new creation side, Pastor Mark visited the head of Taoist association and they are soon seen hugging one another!!!!
Last night TV showed an interesting episode of Food Source... in Japan the Wagyu beef cows are breed in sanitized farms and have piped music to soothe them. They also have daily massage schedule... Then there was potato town where every thing is made from potato or potato leaf. We have pandan cake but they have potato leaf cake... and there is potato drink, deserts and what you have!
Hmmm Switzerland beat Spain.... surprise, surprise...
Today is Thursday.. how the week flashes by.. Lee is out in Mersing deep sea fishing man, I mean, woman!!!!
Enjoy today.. hope no more rain and no more floods!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bak Chang Day

Ha!Ha! Back to Universal Studios. The food on sale there is really okay - not expensive like Disneyland in USA or Tokyo. But one NS Reservist Officer said there is the Madagascar Ride. Ha!Ha! The Madagascar sector has NO rides.. the only one is works in progress. What is has is pictures with the cartoon characters.. Better be informed early or he will be taken for a ride!
Local news.. Singapore as been put on the human traffic watch list by USA... garmen no very happy... At Yishun mybakuteh has just got a note from Uncle Lee. No income tax for last year. In fact she has a large amount of tax credits for the year not used.
Soccer news...North Korean lost the match unlike South Korean who won over Greece. News says that when the results were known, sales of beer and condoms (!!) rose five times!
Back in office the poor indianboyfriend has to jia ban last night and again tomorrow night.
Megachurches in Singapore got problems. Pastor Kong Hee is now accused of plaigerisation in his devotional book which he did not deny. At new creation, Pastor Mark had to apologise publicly for his sermon in which he said taoist praying to the gods are like praying to secret society gangsters! But the taoist wanted more as not many taoist go to internet.
Today is Zhong Zhi Day or Bak Chang! To commemorate the Chinese Poet Qu Yuan who died in 278 BC killing himself in the river. Bak Chang were thrown into the waters to prevent the fish ( piranha?) from eating the flesh... Better go and get a nyonya chang for lunch today!! Ha!Ha!
For the rest of those with no access to zhong zhi, enjoy the day anyway!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

As Good as New

Ha!Ha! Collected the car and it looked like it never had the accident. And the panel beater sent the car for a wash up including the interior!Better be more careful in future and not to tak stamp on bak jiu as the stamps are very expensive.
Singapore garmen have come up with plans to give every citizen a mailbox to receive the garmen bills and mail! I guess the savings in paper and postage will more than offset it. In perth analyst says the housing median price may rise to $600K in three years time. It is about $500K now!One top notch tax accountant told the indianboyfriend that your designated owner occupied house is exempted from property gains tax! Alas but only one.
Ay Yishun, the indianboyfriend did a wash last night... Today is Tuesday
and with the car back it is back to lunch time swimming man! Have a great day!

Monday, June 14, 2010

More Sotong

Ha!Ha! More squids for the table. Heard last weekend's efforts ended with two squidies. Well it was a world cup weekend... Managed to see the first match as Uncle Lee screen it for free in Channel 5. But not the rest. Tried to tune to Malaysia Channel but the garmen there very wicked... they scramble the code so Singapore TV cannot receive. So much for nice neighbours.. on the other hand they may be required to do by contract so better not judge them prematuring.
Parkson Malaysia having clearance sales so pick up some more socks! Not much happened over the weekedn except saw the movie Prince of Persia.. Walt Disney did not do a very good job... It is about being able to turn time back via an ancient dagger. In Aussieland there is a report about an Aussie tourist who died falling into the crevass of glacier Franz Josef. The indianboyfriend remembered having walked on the glacier years also.
Today is Monday and car-less days are over. The repaired panel is ready for collection today. Enjoy the Day and the world cup games that is if you can crawl out of bed at 2 am!!!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Boh Chia Boh Lwee

Ha!Ha! That is Lta Ennoying leaving at the budget terminal. Look at the full load with him - guitar, luggage and not to mention the bangawan cookies he was going to buy. Well back to $10 noodles, $60 footy and $100 shoes!
Local news... an American activitist tried to stage a protest at KFC bedok with the placard "Stop Cruelty to Chicken" (dunno how the chicken was killed or where eating the chicken) when the police approached him when he alighted from the taxi.. got no permit so he left.. Ha!Ha! Like ninja warrior.. first obstacle and fall into the water.. Perhaps Universal Studios may have a place for him at Madagascar!!!
Sigh.. boh chia ( mei zhe ) bo lwee ( mei qian).... Got the self smashed car to the panel beater.. $500 and not a cent less... Then got no car for these few days.. But heng ah last night and this morning got seat from the moment step into the train...Cannot surrender seat as indianboyfriend is elderly occupying elderly seat!!!
Local News...Ang Mo Kio is no 1 in town management efficiency.. As expected the opposition seat Hougang and Potong Pasir came out last as the worst managed constituency - due to non collection of bad debts...
Today is Friday! Enjoy the weekend! (Not for the caught sotong!)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Chia lau bo eng ( chi lao mei yong)

Ha!Ha! Eat old no use... this morning toasted the bun by turning the knob. When the bell rang, the bun was still cold. Did not turn on the switch!!! More pics of Lta Ennoying. The middle pic shows him shopping at the Northpoint. said the place is totally changed. The last pic is a happy one - just after the one hour footy at jian kang... Usually it is 40 min but this is a treat for buying and roasting the nuts.
Sigh.. went to the gst website and confirmed no credits for the Indianboyfriend this year.. Hmm. better downgrade somemore to three room flat leh..
The top pic show the warning sticker for the headlamps. Must change position or it becomes part of the landscape. Maybe a better solution is NOT to switch on the headlamp.. or maybe not to drive.
Tonight is 3m TOTO and the outcome probably is chi kuan kuan ( touch wood). There is a report on the papers that a cleaner found a winning TOTO Ticket for $10K and turned it in as she was afraid they can track down the buyer! Fear or honesty? Ha!Ha!
Today is Thursday. Gear up your rigs to catch that monster Squid this weekend! Have another great Day!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Big Lunch

Ha!Ha! The Big Lunch. You can see Lta Ennoying in Q in the blue Tee. Although trick was order for two when you have three people, he did the reverse. He ordered for three when there are two! But we whacked up all the food.. the kam chai ark and roast ark. But wait... he saw people eating Tee Kar ( Trotters) so we found out the shop and ordered them...ha!ha! all skin....Well it was a great and economical meal for two.
Local news... the SMRT apologise for the grafatti incident saying the staff did not realise the grafatti was not an advertisement until two days later!!! Anyway the warrant of arrest may result in extradition of the Briton in Hong Kong...Overseas news..Indonesian driver in CBD in Perth in BMW was impounded for reckless driving as car went out of control and almost killed by passers...World Cup in two days...
The indianboyfriend could be a Media Corp Director. He guessed rightly in the Ghost story that Zhang Yang will take the body of Wenan and live happily with his wife. What he did not figure out was there were a clone of Wennan so there were two physical lookalikes... Wonder how they explain this... But the next serial does not look promising .. Three Ladies and a Baby...
Today is Wednesday and this thursday's TOTO is 3m.. Hmm better buy double portion....Other than this it has been raining here and there lately.
Have a great day today!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Baby Spa

Ha!Ha! Ever heard of a baby spa? That was what captivated Lta Ennoying at Northpoint after breakfast last Sunday. Imagine the shop has hairdressing too with the tots sitting on designed cars! About time they started an Ah Pek Spa....
Well more pics of Lta Ennoying. Here he is enjoying the Pontian dry wantan mee. Thought he was dead after the Kuay Chap but he said no no as he wanted sometime else. Wanted to order the chai tow kuay but they queue was long and they do not bring to the table. Stay on and find out what was on the lunch menu!
Talking about food, Kaledoscop3 lost no time in cooking the cuttle fish she caught. Heard she went back yesterday on Queen's Birthday and tried her luck. Turned out to be half a catch or ONE! But her goal is to get the giant squid!
Local news.. Garmen issued warrant for the arrest of the other accomplice ( a Briton) for the MRT grafitti. Seems the Swiss was released on a $100K bond.. Surely it was an expensive prank. Wonder if interpol will extradite the accomplice.. The Romanian case not solved and now one more case.. garmen very busy.So busy that they did not send the indianboyfriend his GST credit!
Overseas, there has been a shark attack at walpole in the south involving a surfer. Wonder if they had ever got Squid know the surfer comes out all black in ink!!! Oh yes local TV.. today last episode of the Ghost serial. Seems Zhang Yang did not have a mistress as the boy is not his son. He was just helping an ex financially. How will it end? Will his spirit enter Wenan and then Wenan marry the wife and live happily ever???Ha!Ha!
Today is Tuesday and I am sure Sarge Wen is wearing his altered jacket to work today...Have a great day at work!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday Black-out

Oh No! Forgot to switched off the headlamps again on Sunday night. Despite having the car parked in view from the window. Gor shocked when the remote did not work this morning. Battery dead again. Called AA and they were pretty good. Came in 45 mins time and got it all fixed. Next time must buy a car with alarm for light switches man!Heng, heng, this morning did not cost a cent!
Well it was a busy weekend for Lta Ennoying at least. Arrived at 3 am on Sat morning with a bit of luggage. ( If fact left with more). But the nuts are inside. Roasted too by Kin... Told that roasted nuts are twice the price of unroasted! Get up to meet Lta Ennoying and going to bed is like going to Macau....sleeping at the wee hours.
Meanwhile, Kaledoscop3 has been busy in Perth fishing for cuttlefish. And they did a respectable catch!
Local news...garmen stepping up on the litterbug campaign. Fines are now increased from $200 to $300! Overseas news... World Cup starts this Friday.. will Spain or Brazil be the winner? Well papers reported there are couples who used their year's savings to go to South Africa for two weeks to watch the match... Hard to understand...
Today is a new week. A little blemished start for the indianboyfriend but guess all of you would have done well. Enjoy! Hang around for now news about Lta Ennoying's jetset visit. Ha!Ha!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Nuts! Lta Ennoying is flying over!

Nuts! Ha!Ha! Yep, the TV supply of nuts is running low and thanks to Lta Ennoying who is flying in tomorrow morning, there is a rush emergency supply. Ha!Ha! Understand the nuts will also be roasted!!!!
The same old fountain. That was the pic of the indianboyfriend at Yong Peng enroute to Melaka. Tried the mee rebus this trip ( had to have lunch as it was 2 pm) and it was passable. And more food at Universal Studios. Tip: Go to the food court next to waterworld for good deals. Less than $10 per meal.
Tonight is the last episode of the 9 pm ghost story. Wonder if the ghost would enter the body of his good friend and then his good friend married his wife and live happily ever after. The new series 3 women and 1 baby looks really terrible but it gives a chance to move away from Channel 8 in the evenings.
In Aussieland, a tornado has hit Lennox Head in NSW. Aussieland has natural disasters unknown over in our city.
Today is Friday and it will be a hectic weekend for jetset Lta Ennoying. Will line up the footy for him on Sunday and the kuay chap breakfast and the kam chai ah for lunch!
Have a great weekend for sure!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Finger also Bengkut

Got a shock this morning when the indianboyfriend opened the fridge. No lights... Another repair job? No, No... last night the indianboyfriend's finger went bengkut and switched off the wrong button. The Fridge got switched off instead.. Looks like not only Bak Chew ta stamp but going chair mei soon.....
Ha!Ha! Garmen sending more free Casino admission tickets. Lta Ennoying, Kaledoscop3 & Sarge Wen got $200 each by letter last night. Eekk!! What about the indianboyfriend who is a loyal PAP man? Is the letter late or has he missed the handout??? You will know soon.
Back to Melaka..a bowl of chendol cannot be missed... with the Gula melaka... but cannot drink too much leh..
At Universal is the pic of the flying dinasaur , don't what they are called... this ride is for kiddies. You are strapped in the open and the machine glides down for about two rounds... Nothing great except the sinking stomach feeling. Tip: do not take the rides in succession as you may become giddy.
Local news as investigation into City Harvest church continues, the members are rallying to the leadership. Today is Thursday, so push one as the weekend is round the corner.. Hmm... a jetset weekend for Lta ennoying for sure.
Have fun and watch out for the new speed traps at the traffic junctions in Perth.. one of them is at Victoria Park!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

But Chiew Ta Stamp

Sigh. But Chiew Ta Stamp. This morning going to work, knock the car while parking. Looks like it will cost a few days without car and a couple of hundred of dollars. But car is still operational so will not affect Lta Ennoying's weekend visit.
Garmen very good. Start sending GST credit incentives. Mybakuteh got letter from garmen saying she will get 4 free passes to casino.. $400 cash for four room flaters! Not bad. Wonder what the kids will get this time. Already got conservancy rebate for one month!
Now back to Melaka... The jiu who eng chai die die must try in Melaka. Heaps of cuttlefish and costs only $4 ringgit! Also the bus very good one. Got personal video on demand with quite up to date movies...Hmm.. worth another visit for sure....
Local News.. Heroes welcome for the Women Table tennis team who won against all odds. The Kallang slashers have been found. They are actually a gang of Sarawakians here on cleaning jobs. But they mjust be former head hunters.. very cruel... stab and chop of fingers just to get money. And for one dead and three hurt all they got was $400 and three cellophones!!!
Today is Wednesday and it will be ironing evening as Lee plans to come over.... Did a wash on Monday luckily...Again did not watch "With You"
last night but "I shouldn't be alive"... about this guy who fell into the sea during a holiday sky diving and remained in the water for 24 hours.. And he stayed afloat! Have a great day!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fly Paper in Melaka

Ha!Ha! Although no one bothered to answer the question of the receptacle the indian boyfriend bought in Melaka, the answer is above. It is a toothpaste squeezer! And there are more gadgets at Diao ( $5 Ringgit shop). Saw a Flypaper... ha!ha! not in the old tool shop but in modern diaso! So summer flies.. watch out!!!
Back to Univeral Studios... the pic above is Water world.. a show not to be missed. It is as good as the one the indianboyfriend saw in USA. Tip: No need to rush for the show as it plays about every hour or so and accomodate up to thousands of people each time. 2nd Tip: do not sit near the front and the actors actually pour buckets on water on the audience!
Local news... City harvest church is being investigated by Commercial Crime dept... 17 of its staff are being hauled up include the pastor for questioning. The church made headlines recently in its proposed purchase of Suntech property at $310 m...Also at Kallang, the Slasher was at work again after slashing 3 indian nationals. This time it is a NS man who had also his finger cut off. Back at the airport it was a heroes' welcome for the Women Table-tennis team.
Last night 9 pm show took another turn as the Father smacked the son and the Ghost came out again!!! Sigh.. looks like it going round and round again.
Well it's 10 days to world cup and three days to Lta Ennoying weekend trip. Today is Tuesday and has to be another great day despite Toto chi kuan kuan again last night. Jia you!