Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Big Lunch

Ha!Ha! The Big Lunch. You can see Lta Ennoying in Q in the blue Tee. Although trick was order for two when you have three people, he did the reverse. He ordered for three when there are two! But we whacked up all the food.. the kam chai ark and roast ark. But wait... he saw people eating Tee Kar ( Trotters) so we found out the shop and ordered them...ha!ha! all skin....Well it was a great and economical meal for two.
Local news... the SMRT apologise for the grafatti incident saying the staff did not realise the grafatti was not an advertisement until two days later!!! Anyway the warrant of arrest may result in extradition of the Briton in Hong Kong...Overseas news..Indonesian driver in CBD in Perth in BMW was impounded for reckless driving as car went out of control and almost killed by passers...World Cup in two days...
The indianboyfriend could be a Media Corp Director. He guessed rightly in the Ghost story that Zhang Yang will take the body of Wenan and live happily with his wife. What he did not figure out was there were a clone of Wennan so there were two physical lookalikes... Wonder how they explain this... But the next serial does not look promising .. Three Ladies and a Baby...
Today is Wednesday and this thursday's TOTO is 3m.. Hmm better buy double portion....Other than this it has been raining here and there lately.
Have a great day today!

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