Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday Black-out

Oh No! Forgot to switched off the headlamps again on Sunday night. Despite having the car parked in view from the window. Gor shocked when the remote did not work this morning. Battery dead again. Called AA and they were pretty good. Came in 45 mins time and got it all fixed. Next time must buy a car with alarm for light switches man!Heng, heng, this morning did not cost a cent!
Well it was a busy weekend for Lta Ennoying at least. Arrived at 3 am on Sat morning with a bit of luggage. ( If fact left with more). But the nuts are inside. Roasted too by Kin... Told that roasted nuts are twice the price of unroasted! Get up to meet Lta Ennoying and going to bed is like going to Macau....sleeping at the wee hours.
Meanwhile, Kaledoscop3 has been busy in Perth fishing for cuttlefish. And they did a respectable catch!
Local news...garmen stepping up on the litterbug campaign. Fines are now increased from $200 to $300! Overseas news... World Cup starts this Friday.. will Spain or Brazil be the winner? Well papers reported there are couples who used their year's savings to go to South Africa for two weeks to watch the match... Hard to understand...
Today is a new week. A little blemished start for the indianboyfriend but guess all of you would have done well. Enjoy! Hang around for now news about Lta Ennoying's jetset visit. Ha!Ha!

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