Friday, June 25, 2010

Chi Kuan Kuan

Ha!Ha! Found this picture while looking through the photo file. It is Sarge Wen's 19th birthday in 2003. The little kid is just in college! Hmm..wonder if anyone remember the place.. Bibra lake?
Perth news.. Julia Gillard has taken the world news by storm.. This lawyer by training was born in Wales and migrated to Australia. Her partner is a hairdresser! Looks like she has the passion to make some changes.
Local news. The boss of SMRT got a pay of $1.6 m last year... wonder is this is why the fares are going up...
Chi Kuan Kuan.. no, no, the indianboyfriend is not talking about TOTO..( By the way the $3m draw last night also chi kuan kuan.. System 7 got no system one - not even on number touch leh!)  he is talking about the frozen bread in the fridge. Na me qiao... just when mybakuteh is coming back tomolow night! Got a story about cowboy town JB from Poh Choo. She says if drive to JB and people splatter eggs on your windscreen, do not wipe cos the white will blind you and you have to stop. Then they rob you.. ( kill you also?)...They have reduced the second link toll but no no no to JB for sure. Curtin wrote to the Indianboyfriend and told him he is accepted for the Masters program in 2011 but the problem is course fees.. Very expensive and wonder if it is worth the effort...Today is Friday again and have a great weekend... but of course not for the little ( or monster) squids lurking in Woodie or claremont jetty! Ha!Ha!

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