Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Very Mou Tun

Ha!Ha! These are pics uploaded a week ago when the Blogger was working.
The pic on the right is the buffet at hotel. Okay but not over sumptious. The later you go the more food there is! Some of the food is brought in. Suspect they are from some of the roadside stalls!

Lucky man. This morning Blogger decided to work again. Ethan is celebrating his 5th Birthday on 11 Sep. So the indianboyfriend fished uo this pic when he is one year old.  Ha!Ha! How has he grown!
Today is Tuesday and Mybakuteh is bitten a bug. The chok last night was pretty delicious. So no exercise for the past two days.
Very Mou Tun one. Mybakuteh has been booked ot return on 4 Feb and we learned that Kaledoscop has also booked a flight so spend Chinese New year in Singapore. Chinese new year is 3 Feb. Need to work this one out carefully as the indianboyfriend intended to return end Feb thinking Chinese New year this year will again be in Perth. Not to worry, we will come up with something creative.
Local news. Garmen is announcing steps to prevent the property bubble from bursting. The weather has been pretty good lately.
Have a great day and of course not without a video from Vietnam.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Bak Bao or Pandan Cake

Ha!Ha! Last Saturday was baking morning at Henderson Crescent. Both mybakuteh and Lee joined forces to make bak bao and Pandan Cake. Result? The bak Bao was okay but could have been mor fluffy. And breakfast this morning was the pandan cake. Well Lee is off to the Silk Route tour in China and will be away for 14 days in northern China. Hope there will be not sandstorm!!! To see pics of the cakes, go to site below as Blogger has become temperamental again.


Ha!Ha! Last night was the 2 hour speech by PM. Now NSmen will get $9000 for their stint, paid over in stages over the years. The Integrated Program in school - to skip O level and take A or IB will be extended to 11 more schools. Also The Military Command college will now be named Goh Keng Swee College and the Education specialist Centre will be the Goh Keng Swee Centre. Garmen is looking into recognising the rest of the Founding Fathers. For HDB, those in income 8,000 to 10,000 can now buy special built to design flat ( about $500,000) or Executive Condo ( $700,000). Other than these it was about fostering the Singapore Spirit and being more understanding about the need for immigrant import.
Well after a heavy talk, time to relax with another video from Vietnam!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Samurai in Vietnam

Ha!ha! Don't know how the Sarge Wen Samurai got mixed up with the Vietnam pics but it looked very real! These pics are not uploaded today. They were done on a day when blogger was working and saved up for today. Like all of the indianboyfriend's breakfast wrapped in foil in the frig! Ha! Ha!
Father's day is coming man! And we are talking about Australia Father's Day - 3 Sep if anyone is uncertain. Beh pie say one!!! So is Sarge Wen's birthday next month!
Pics on top show more scenic shots of Halong Bay.
Last night the YOG had its closing ceremony - which is quite boring - we switched to the Chinese serial half way. The next game is in Nanjing in 2014!!!! They are having a YOG for Winter Olympics in Austria next year. Wonder if they will have a Kid Olympics soon.
Heard mybakuteh had an order last night for five stones! Wonder if anyone play this anymore.
Today  is Friday and weekend is here. Mybakuteh is off to make pow at Halt Chor's house on Sat morning... Maybe she is influenced by Da Bao in Chinese Serial.  Enjoy! I mean the video below:

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Si Mit Han Chu ( Shen me fan Shu)?

Ha!Ha! Si Mit Han Chu is not about the picture on top. It is what I had for breakfast. A first - sweet potato... but with two pieces from Mybakuteh, it was a little too much.. may have to skip lunch again after the giant bak kwa hambyrger yesterday. The pic above show Gurmit Singh, Rosie and Henry Thia at Times square last weekend to promote Phua Chu Kang the movie!!! Aiyah not need to watch.. it will be hopelessly the same. Talking about Media Corp Patricia Mok won a case for molestation recently. But the question is which man would want to molest her!! (Pretty cruel thing to say leh).
It has arrived. The Postcard from Rome.. the Fountain...Well it is not postcard only but heng ah heng, got Tour De France Tee Shirt also. Halt Chor got the Tour De France water bottle which is still with the indianboyfriend.
Well Blogger pics are working again. Today is Thursday and the Olympics has ended. The great closing ceremony will be tomorrow at 7.30 pm... guess it will be the same "National Day" style presentation. Oh yes, Singapore got a bronze for football when they bet Montenegro 4-1. Now where is Montenegro. Google says it is a small country where Yugoslovakia used to be and has a population of half a million. Wonder why the usual big boys are not competing in the tournament. Well what else now but more video clips from Vietnam. Ha! Ha! This one is the story of what Lta Ennoying and Kin did on the last night in Hanoi....What they saw around the hotel and what they bought if anything at all.
Have a great Day. Oh yes, very sorry yesterday - posted my blog but forgot to publish until mybakuteh reminded me...Ha!Ha! The blog is MISSED!!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Climbing in Style

Ha!Ha! Climbing Mountain in style. Got to stay in the Hilton and there is a mini TV screen in the toilet... so you will not missed any goal. Note the shower in the pic - there is a collapsible seat for you to clean your feet and sole! And of course the toilet seat is automated with jet spray... But cannot stay there always unless have BIG win... ha!ha! Blogger cannot upload do you have to go here to view the hotel.
More news of YOG.. One of the bus was involved in a road accident but no one was hurt. The food caterer for YOG came under fire too as one of the participants posted a pic of the lunch box! In China Henan plane crashed killing 43 people. In Perth the election deadlock may result in Australians going to polls a second time!
Well with all the weekend pics shown, guess it is time for another Hanoi video! Ha!Ha! This is the pict of the young Viet girl using her feet to paddle up 3 km of river!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Happy Birthday, Halt Chor!

Ha!Ha! It's happy birthday to Lee today! Unfortunately the Video clip did not work so it will be picture galor today.
World news.. in Philippines, 7 Hong Kong Tourists were killed in a dramatic bus hijack when a disgruntled policemen went wild with a rifle.  Back Home, Isabelle won the first silver in the YOG for Singapore in table-tennis. She was beaten 0-4 in the finals by China. In Perth the election turned to be a deadlock and now the parties are courting the independents. Oh yes we will take a break from Vietnam and talk about mountain climbing last weekend.
It was so foggy that you can't see anything. Well people who can see anything are probably the mountain climbers. But is was not all mountain climbing. There was time for a nice footing and candle waxing.
But we chicken out on the fish spa... The fishes looked real hungry and we were afraid we may just end up with out bones left.
Today is Tuesday and it has been raining in Singapore.The indianboyfriend suffered some losses this morning as he took MRT to work. The paperbag he took had a hole and out rolled the lunch pear and the spoon for the bak chang! Well, need to get a nice decent small bag the next time we go mountain climbing again.
Have a great Day!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Beh Bang Sia

Ha!Ha! Blogger can upload again. So temperamental man! Local news... the indianboyfriend had constipation... could it be due to eating too much fish maw soup? Ha!Ha! Anyway consulted Dr Myabkuteh who quickly recommended prune juice and prunes. So it was off to Aunty Lucy after work and got the prune juice. As there were no prunes, so buy dates since they looked alike. So went home and drank the juice.. no the best drink to take and ate five dates. Dr Mybakuteh advised against taking both as it will be hard to determine which is the successful treatment. Hallelujah! Next morning on the way to work has to speed up to 100 km as all coming out. Now the job has been done, it is a time for great relief!
Now back to Vietnam. The top pic is currency changing. The boat ladies came and ask for big notes as the rate is better. The indiannboyfriend obliged but soon there was a swam of boats so it ended there. Second pic is the ancient capital temple. Nothing much to see at all. And the last is the hotel bath... Very gadgetry as it has water squirking out all all angles. Looks better than usage.
In Perth shark killed a surfer at Gracetown beach. His board was snapped into half. World news.. Zsa Zsa Gabor, aged 93, is returning home to die peacefully as the priest administer the last rites.
For the YOG , a second medal is coming up for Takwando again this time by a poly student Shafinas. And YOG is not over yet and they are now preparing for Formula 1 in Sep!
Today is Mid week Wednesday and the indianboyfriend is off to KL until next Tuesday. Have a good week and here is your Halong video treat!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pho 24

Ha!Ha! Pho 24 - the well known noodle franchise in Vietnam. Took a cab to this place near the Lake but Lta Ennoying decided to walk back to hotel. Enroute he felt into the tourist trap and bought a bag. Everyone is at the lakeside resting or exercising!
Any entreprenuer wanting to import Pho 24 to Singapore?
For the pictures you have to go here as Blogger refuses to upload.
Ha!Ha! What to buy in Hanoi. The less adventurous buy the lacquerware and the bolder and more foolish buy the snake wine... Really gruelsome. For some like Lta Ennoying it has to be poo coffee. Coffee beans digested by the civet cat and then passed out! The taste has to be different!
Local News... Singapore won its first medal for the YOG. Darrel Tan won a bronze in the dullest game - Taekwando... Well don't say don't have now.. In Perth all geared up for Election Day this Saturday...
As for the indianboyfriend, his new goggles are doing him wonders. So kia su is he that he bought two. Now he is going to write his name on one so that if lost people will call him up!
Today is already Tuesday and this will be a short week as the indianboyfriend will be in KL for work from Thu to next Monday...
Funny. Suddenly this morning can upload. This is the pic of the lunch on board the junk boat in Halong Bay. In Hanoi, Vietnamese taste more like sze char than Vietnamese.
Have a great day!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Bak Chang Galore

Ha!Ha! Blogger not uploading pics again. You need to go to here to see the two pics.
Ha!Ha! The first one is the Kam Chay Ark tng that William and Doris gave a treat on. Mybakuteh jia an oyster egg! The place is quite well renovated and airy now. The second pic is the bak chang galore. Nyona bak chang with the secret family spice recipe.  Am having them now as the indianboyfriend is blogging! Yummy!
Local news. Youth Olympic opening ceremony touted as spectacular but looked like another national day parade to the indianboyfriend. The first gold medal went to Japan woman Sato who finished the Triathlon well ahead of others. There was an accident in the cycling section and a stretcher has to be called. Back at Yishun there is a fire at the Indian temple ( Did know there was an indian temple in Yishun). Priest jumped from the window and got hurt.
The indianboyfriend is back from Kuching with kueh lapis that no one wants to eat. He is heading for KL mid week.
It was a weekend of watching the Youth Olympics... The most boring was the takwando... no action at all for all the contests.  Swimming is the most interesting but Singapore got wiped out! For those of you who are not interested in the Olympic stuff, there is another video of Vietnam!
This is the video inside the hired car to Tam-coc which is three hours away!
Today is Monday. Have a great week ahead!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fish Farm in Halong

Ha!Ha! The Blogger is erratic.. sometimes you can upload sometimes you cannot. Today is a good day. The above pic is the currency rock. See the twin rock on the centre? Well it appears on the 200,000 Dong note. To see the note go to Lta Ennoying's Flicker at http://www.flickr.com/photos/ennoying/page4/
See the similarity?
And this Mother and Son pic is taken behind the fish farm. You can see the floating structure. To see a video of the Dog fish, go to the top and click.
Well, local news is mostly about the Olympics which will start on 14th. The Torch seems to be everywhere! Found out forgetfulness is not only with parents yesterday... image Kaledoscopic forgetting completely about a hotel reservation for Christmas!!!!Well ventured to watched River Monster at 10 pm last night and the indianboyfriend is feeling rather drowsy this morning... Not much action except a medium size ray being caught.
Today is Wednesday and midweek. The indianboyfriend is off to Kuching tomorrow so no Videos until next Monday. As a bonus, two videos will be provide today.
This one is a complaint by a wife who says all the husband could afford was a cheap Vietnamese Tee for her...
Have a great day today!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stand Up for Singapore, Leh!

Ha!Ha! It was national day yesterday and the Cheoks had a pot luck at Poh Choo's house to watched the parade. The fireworks could be seen from the flat. Seems that HDB Pinnacle in Duxton Plain is charging $4 to go up to the bridge, following Marina Bay Sands which is charging $20. The Blogger has problems in uploading pictures so you need to go to Flicker to look at the pics for the meantime.
Wallow! Look at the first pic! Why is Mybakuteh so pleased on Sat? Well she is having a free chicken rice meal with coke from Jetstar whose plane to the gondola ride is 4 hours 15 min late. First time stranded in Singapore! But lucky Changi offer free movie theatre so went to T 3 and watched free  movie. But alamat... 45 mins more can claim insurance...Any way Jet star give a nice both way flights and all is forgiven! Read in the papers that Tiger Air had the same problem with their flight to gondola land too on Sunday. They offer Hong Kong in replacement.
Back to Vietnam. You can see video of bargaining on the boat. The big ticket item was the embrodiered table cloth which started off at $30 US. My bakuteh knocked it down to $10 but she wanted $13! After hearing her story of  buying the boat for US$500 and only able to do three days work here due to queue and spending 3 weeks to sew the cloth, we had to relent. In fact we we told to give $2-3 tip so we settled for US3. Then the young 21 year old mother of a seven month baby said nicely, Mister give $3 and Missy must give $2. We obliged of course until she asked for anothe $3.
Some action went on in Perth last weekend.

Happy birthday to Lins who had a little celebration at Margaret River. May the year ahead be a happy and memorable one!
It was or choot night at the National Day pot luck - that was what Mybakuteh cooked up with nice coconut gravy. Was a sold out for sure.
Today is Tuesday and this will be a short week as the Indianboyfriend will be heading for Kuching for work on Thursday.
Have a Great Day and keep on looking at the holiday pics!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Tourist Trap or Con Again!

This is a picture of a picture !The Halong Caves!
On the Street Where I Stay....Well for the story behind the top pic is the tourist trap. We have this lady photographer in another boat offering to take pictures for US$1 each. We told them we want only ONE but they snapped 3. Lta Ennoying generously agreed to 5 but they took 7. When they arrived first, the woman made him pay for 3 for the indianboyfriend without knowing we asked for one! And for the 7, he insisted on five and she literally took back the two rejected one. Wonder what she did with them. By the way, she used film photography!The second pic is the Halong Caves. It was a long walk up into the Cave and we had a lousy guide. Other guides were using torchlights to point to formation and saying "Do you see a Dragon, or a Frog or a Damsel"? Maybe lucky or all of us will be figuring out what is what. The last pic is outside our hotel. What is interesting is the night hot plate shop for goat udder which is packed with people seated on low stools and cooking the food in a small pot each. They employ young boys as Valet parkers... parking motor-cycles! It's 47 Ma May Street and if you don't try the udder it will be an udder disaster for sure!
The Video below is the Halong on land - Tam-Coc. The boat trip up the 3 km river costs about S$3. No motors.. just plain hard rowing on the placid river.

Local news... The indianboyfriend got his footy card replenished.. Ha!Ha! Yesterday the mickey mouse goggles did a poor job as water leaked in. Imagine all the swimmer with their stylo milo Speedo googles and there was the indianboyfriend sheepishly putting the mickey mouse one in one corner. Undaunted he approached the life guard if they had found his missing goggles. The life guard showed him a box of stylo milo goggles left by others but No, it was not there. The indianboyfriend was tempted to say that one of them  is mine and get one for free but is experience with the $50 left in the slot machine made him change his mind. Honesty is the best policy!
Beating the distributor in car servicing. Sent the car for servicing and the man said for the mileage there is the $300 package. No! No! Just oil change and filter replacement. Well, it worked. Total cost came to $97 plus free car wash. In fact he said I should change the radiator leak as reported in the last service as it may overheat the car. The last service was 8 months ago and no leaks!!!
Local sighting.. saw a postman with a big bag of mail taking bus! What happened to Sing Post now???
Perth News.. Property market has cooled down and some say it is best time to buy now ( as they always say). Today is Friday and Lta Ennoying and Kin are
flying back in the evening. National Day is on Monday so it will be another long weekend. As for the indianboyfriend and myabkuteh, they are off for a gondola ride! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Good Morning Hanoi!

Ha!Ha! The Hanoi pics now begin top unfold.
But there is a new problem. Theindianboyfriend cannot upload pics now! Looks like it is going to be a Indianboyfriend TUBE!
Yishun news.. looks like people are now going to cut and wash hair at Yishun to get head massage and then go to Jian Kang for footie. But so far so signs of No 4 mee yet. Local news.. SIA plane scrap China Air plane at Beijing airport! Imagine they have to put up 500 people in the hotel overnight because of this. Sad news, Vietnamese student hangs herself when her married Vietnamese boyfriend did not remit money for her Masters Course in Singapore. A few more days to National Day and a long weekend. Meanwhile mybakuteh is resting from her Hanoi trip.
The indianboyfriend did it again. Lost his goggles at the pool.This is the second time and it is getting expensive. But there is a mickey mouse one at home which he will take today... actually should sat donald duck so it can swim better!
Got to fix the photo upload or else you may have to go to Flicker to take a look at the pictures tomorrow!
Today is already Thursday. Have another great day.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Brisbane in Video

Ha!Ha! It's more pictures from Brisbane. This time is the video taken from a river Cat cruise... The bridge at the end is the Pacific motorway. And more pics of Brisbane.
This is China town and the next one, gasp... it's the Casino!

And Kaledoscop3 stayed outside the Casino!!! No $100 levy and she did not go in. What will power!
And back in Yishun the travelling crew is back at 1 am last night from Hanoi! This time there is a huge collection of videos to be shown on this blog. The 3 hour flight on Tiger Air is pretty punishing. The greatest disappointment? Could not see the water puppet show as it has only one performance a day.
May be it will be an excuse to back to the city. The four raincoats mybakuteh carefully packed went unused and we forgot to give them to the boat girl!
Overall verdict of the trip? Too much travelling to access the Halong Bay and Tam-Coc. Well visit this site for more pictures and video once they get sorted out. Meanwhile I think the gang except the indianboyfriend is having pee pok at No 4 stall now! Ha!Ha! No  more pho for sure!