Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pho 24

Ha!Ha! Pho 24 - the well known noodle franchise in Vietnam. Took a cab to this place near the Lake but Lta Ennoying decided to walk back to hotel. Enroute he felt into the tourist trap and bought a bag. Everyone is at the lakeside resting or exercising!
Any entreprenuer wanting to import Pho 24 to Singapore?
For the pictures you have to go here as Blogger refuses to upload.
Ha!Ha! What to buy in Hanoi. The less adventurous buy the lacquerware and the bolder and more foolish buy the snake wine... Really gruelsome. For some like Lta Ennoying it has to be poo coffee. Coffee beans digested by the civet cat and then passed out! The taste has to be different!
Local News... Singapore won its first medal for the YOG. Darrel Tan won a bronze in the dullest game - Taekwando... Well don't say don't have now.. In Perth all geared up for Election Day this Saturday...
As for the indianboyfriend, his new goggles are doing him wonders. So kia su is he that he bought two. Now he is going to write his name on one so that if lost people will call him up!
Today is already Tuesday and this will be a short week as the indianboyfriend will be in KL for work from Thu to next Monday...
Funny. Suddenly this morning can upload. This is the pic of the lunch on board the junk boat in Halong Bay. In Hanoi, Vietnamese taste more like sze char than Vietnamese.
Have a great day!

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