Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fish Farm in Halong

Ha!Ha! The Blogger is erratic.. sometimes you can upload sometimes you cannot. Today is a good day. The above pic is the currency rock. See the twin rock on the centre? Well it appears on the 200,000 Dong note. To see the note go to Lta Ennoying's Flicker at
See the similarity?
And this Mother and Son pic is taken behind the fish farm. You can see the floating structure. To see a video of the Dog fish, go to the top and click.
Well, local news is mostly about the Olympics which will start on 14th. The Torch seems to be everywhere! Found out forgetfulness is not only with parents yesterday... image Kaledoscopic forgetting completely about a hotel reservation for Christmas!!!!Well ventured to watched River Monster at 10 pm last night and the indianboyfriend is feeling rather drowsy this morning... Not much action except a medium size ray being caught.
Today is Wednesday and midweek. The indianboyfriend is off to Kuching tomorrow so no Videos until next Monday. As a bonus, two videos will be provide today.
This one is a complaint by a wife who says all the husband could afford was a cheap Vietnamese Tee for her...
Have a great day today!

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