Friday, August 6, 2010

The Tourist Trap or Con Again!

This is a picture of a picture !The Halong Caves!
On the Street Where I Stay....Well for the story behind the top pic is the tourist trap. We have this lady photographer in another boat offering to take pictures for US$1 each. We told them we want only ONE but they snapped 3. Lta Ennoying generously agreed to 5 but they took 7. When they arrived first, the woman made him pay for 3 for the indianboyfriend without knowing we asked for one! And for the 7, he insisted on five and she literally took back the two rejected one. Wonder what she did with them. By the way, she used film photography!The second pic is the Halong Caves. It was a long walk up into the Cave and we had a lousy guide. Other guides were using torchlights to point to formation and saying "Do you see a Dragon, or a Frog or a Damsel"? Maybe lucky or all of us will be figuring out what is what. The last pic is outside our hotel. What is interesting is the night hot plate shop for goat udder which is packed with people seated on low stools and cooking the food in a small pot each. They employ young boys as Valet parkers... parking motor-cycles! It's 47 Ma May Street and if you don't try the udder it will be an udder disaster for sure!
The Video below is the Halong on land - Tam-Coc. The boat trip up the 3 km river costs about S$3. No motors.. just plain hard rowing on the placid river.

Local news... The indianboyfriend got his footy card replenished.. Ha!Ha! Yesterday the mickey mouse goggles did a poor job as water leaked in. Imagine all the swimmer with their stylo milo Speedo googles and there was the indianboyfriend sheepishly putting the mickey mouse one in one corner. Undaunted he approached the life guard if they had found his missing goggles. The life guard showed him a box of stylo milo goggles left by others but No, it was not there. The indianboyfriend was tempted to say that one of them  is mine and get one for free but is experience with the $50 left in the slot machine made him change his mind. Honesty is the best policy!
Beating the distributor in car servicing. Sent the car for servicing and the man said for the mileage there is the $300 package. No! No! Just oil change and filter replacement. Well, it worked. Total cost came to $97 plus free car wash. In fact he said I should change the radiator leak as reported in the last service as it may overheat the car. The last service was 8 months ago and no leaks!!!
Local sighting.. saw a postman with a big bag of mail taking bus! What happened to Sing Post now???
Perth News.. Property market has cooled down and some say it is best time to buy now ( as they always say). Today is Friday and Lta Ennoying and Kin are
flying back in the evening. National Day is on Monday so it will be another long weekend. As for the indianboyfriend and myabkuteh, they are off for a gondola ride! Have a great weekend!

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