Sunday, October 21, 2012

Chong Pang on Sunday

Today going to Pasir Panjang Church so went to Chong Pang for brekky. Alamak! So long queue so went to see what it was.
You mai you song. It's 8 days with their promotion. Buy one and get goodie bag with chips, mineral water etc.
Went swimming pool and quite disappointed with the upgrade of vending machine. Last time got three machines; now only one. Last time  buy a card, insert in turnstile and card disappears. Now buy card, tap on turnkey and then must keep the card. On way out must insert key in the turnstile. Now got queue to go out. And what if card is lost? The moral of lesson is if it aint break don't fix it.
Tomorrow going to Malaysia again. This time go to Melaka. Stay in great hotel this time with big swimming pool due to special promotion. And big buffet brekky some more.reak do not fix it.
Ha!Ha! Going Dubai end of the month. Went to website and join Frequent Flyer Club. Got 2500 bonus points just for joining. Flight time is 7 hours!!! But heard Emerates is as good as SIA in terms of inflight service. Pity they are flying the A380 only from Dec. Maybe next time!

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