Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Crabby Mission accomplished

Morning slept until all haywire due to time change.
Explored outside the hotel shops and nothing interest. Mybakuteh was smart to bring
Her hat along as it was blazing hot. Went to shop and bought an adapter plug. Alamak - give 2000 rupee note and say too big. Then took a tuk tuk to Ngembo town. Hotel says 500 rupees but when we asked the first tuk tuk, his opening price was 200. So suspect hotel staff was in cahoots with these drivers. Got scam phobia lah. Alamak - better not go town as it is like Pnom Phem - full of traffic and disorganised. Tuk tuk man says take us to shopping centre. When reach there NO shopping centre leh. Man says this is the centre of town - all the shops are small ones on the road. He says he will come back for us in two hours. heng ah - we do no no the hotel address and think the name is Don's (gone) hotel - actually Don Beach hotel we found out later. Blazing hot and no aircon. All shops are jewellers or selling Sari. Cannot see one shop selling food... I mean crabs. Perspire and walk on. Then the indianboyfriend buy sunnies as blazing hot and blinding. Found a shop and ordered curry fish and rice. Like fish head curry in Little India except tiny fish in small small bowls. Many many bowls with all kinds of vegetables. The chef came to check on us a few times because we think he never had Chinese customers. Cannot show pic as cannot download from mobile. Lunch was very good and cheep. Akamat sweat pouring down mybakuteh hair and when she take off hair like she just wash hair. So went to standard chartered bank to enjoy aircon - got English paper to read also. Officer asked Can I help you so we straight face say " waiting for friend" - dare not sat tuk tuk friend or Kena chase out. Reach hotel, the indianboyfriend jumped into pool with new swimming trunks from town. Swimming trunk like crabs here, all very small. xXXL still too small for the indianboyfriend's potbelly. After swim, all went Kooning... That's what a holiday should be.
At 5 pm it was sun set watching. It was indeed a splendid scene. Then it was an early dinner. But hotel didn't to serve until 7.30 pm. So went across the road. Got any crab? The indianboyfriend asked. Got, got, and he went into the kitchen and grabbed a king size one - this one had immigration problems - did not go to Singapore. Alamak! Can bargain on price. Finally deal was made and it was an heavenly meal to end a perfect lazy day. The indianboyfriend is armed for tomorrow- swimming trunks, sunnies and a hat! The pics are available through the email advice of Halt chor on how to upload pics in camera to ipad!

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