Wednesday, July 28, 2010

More Videos coming

Ha!Ha! Managed to use the video upload for the blog. So did what I could not do a long time ago at Xanga - upload the dongara lobster Sarge bought. You can be sure more videos will be coming your way.
In Europe, Lta Ennoying and Kin visited Disney yesterday and are heading for London again for a Cotswold countryside tour... wonder if they brought their poetry books along.
At Yishun, it rained last night but stopped to a drizzle this morning. At Brisbane Kaledoscop3 is aghast to wake up at 6 am everyday.. it is 4.00am in Perth! The hotel is nice by the river but she has to take a 30 min train to office everyday.. Quite frustrating to learn the Gold Coast is not far away!
Local news... Chairman of SIA aged 64 is planning to step down. In case you may not know he was the indianboyfriend's economics night class teacher when he told the A levels part time. Very nice man..
Today is midweek. Have a great day ahead!

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