Friday, July 30, 2010

Must Watch Video

This is the live video taken in Dec 2004 during the Phuket Tsunamic. Kaledoscop3, Sarge Wen and the indianboyfriend were perched on a cement bar counter as the floods came rushing in. ( ma leow, ma leow!).
Meanwhile in Mistbane, fog alert is up in the city. Well on a foggy day, you cannot see forever! Wonder if the airports will be closed and Kaledoscop3 have to spend the weekend doing the rides alone at Movie World!
The indianboyfriend is familiar with BIG win, although yet to experience it but this morning it is BIG breakfast.. the works... bacon, egg, all thrown in...Hmm got to go and swim this afternoon for sure..
Well the Europe escape has finally come to an end today and at noon London time, Lta Ennoying and Kin will make a 12 hour flight to Singapore touching down at 5 pm, pending no BA strikes. But no rest for the wicked as the following day they are off to Hanoi for three massages a day schedule!
Local news is all about money.The richest family in Singapore is the Ng teng Foong family ( he passed away recently) with nett worth of a staggering $7 billion. MAS has made a profit of $10 billion.. The indianboyfriend feel like singing Trevie McCoy song, I want to be a billionaire but he does not want to be next to the Queen.
Today is Friday and weekend is here again. The indianboyfriend will be off the blog until Wednesday. Xin Chao!

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