Friday, July 2, 2010

Si Peh How Lian

Yep! The lian is actually the tyres on the faithful Matrix. Got four of them changed after Lta Ennoying expert opinion that they are worn out! And price comparison is pretty cool. Got them for a good price of $75 each! Hmm. the person who buys the Matrix at the end of the year will get a good deal - a set of new tyres and also a newly sprayed dented side!! Ha! Ha!
Overseas news.. more suicide in Korea. This time it is actor Park Yong Ha.. Those Winter Sonata die hards will remember him... Seems he hang himself over distress over a sick father. He is 33 years old.
Over in Rumania the diplomat who went on a driving killing spree, Ionesu,
is being charged and tried in the Rumanian court. He should be brought back to Singapore where he can be sentenced to some caning, man.
Local news.. it's soon kuay for breakfast this morning complete with the chilli. Still no sign of the lost town club card...Today is Friday and it will be a World
Cup weekend for sure. Favuorites to win  are Spain, Argentina, Uraguay and Brazil.... ( The indianboyfriend talk as if he has been following the matches!).
Enjoy the Weekend.. heard it is too cold for any outdoor fishing so the squids will have a safe weekend for sure!

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