Monday, July 12, 2010

Real Peranakan Food !

Ha!Ha! While Lta Ennoying and wife are Europe trotting ( they are in
Germany today), the indianboyfriend has been Melaka trotting at the same time! Had the chance to feast on the peranakan food again, this time in a restaurant called cottage spices. We found a great hotel next to ole sayang and believe it or not with the tour buses pouring in day after there, there was no seat for us to eat in that place. But the meal was just as good especially the assam fish.. though the chap chay could be improved. As usual it ended with a nice cold bowl of chendol.
There has been reported cases of slashing of handbags in Melaka... The passengers in our bus were victims and lost a wallet with credit cards in it...
What else did we do in Melaka? Watch a $10 Ringgit movie of course.. It was a choice between Toy Story, Dispicable Me and Knight and Day and we went rightly for the flesh and blood one. Tom Cruise is quick funny in this crime thriller! But long queue to buy tickets on Sat. Next time must buy via internet as the internet line has no queue!
World Cup... Well the Octopus told the truth and Spain won after extra time.. yawn.. the extra time is having a toll on the indianboyfriend... The game was not all that exciting as it was scoreless throughout. But it ends the World Cup saga for another 4 years... I guess next will be Youth Olympics in Singapore.
Today is Monday.. a sleepy day for sure and lucky no more jia ban as the the project is now over...
Have a great day today!

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