Monday, June 27, 2011

Got Proof leh!

We know, we know some of you may be skeptical we have been invited to sit at the Captain's table so we fished out this invitation letter for you to see.
Ha!Ha! This is the lounge area on board where most events are held like cocktails with the Captain. See the indianboyfriend's pose - jiang or not with the statue?

This is the Pavillion which is an inclusive restaurant for meals. The good thing is that the meals are served to you. It is pretty comfy with good window views of the moving ship.  Breakfast is also served to the table and is largely tim sum. You can ask for second helpings but we were just eating too much.
Magnum haunts us everywhere. We found this ice cream palour Gelato that sells Swenson ice-cream. We have been here every day for the ice-cream. This time we opt for magnum... All the beautiful part is that it is all free. We has $200 credit in our card that came with the ticket... but cannot use in Casino!!!
Today is Monday and Kaledoscop3 is in the Arts city of Adelaide. We went to Chong Pang this morning and was petrified to see the hawker centre closed. But heng ah heng ah, it was just for one day spring cleaning. We'll be back tomorrow for sure! Enjoy

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