Friday, June 3, 2011

Ms Fix It!

Alamak... my prized Clog slippers failed me. The toe holder snapped a few days ago and I destined it to the dustbin, But Fix it mybakuteh says No. She whipped up her Superglue and did an instant fix it. And you know what! It worked and it is as good ( well not actually) as new! Wonder if the manufacturer provided life time warranty???
Back from Mothballs. The indianboyfriend has been looking high and low for a Bicycle shop in Yishun. Then yesterday he asked a group of youngsters parking their bikes at the MRT. Yishun central, one said. So off the indianboyfriend went for the resusitation job. The tyres were pumped up, a nice lock purchased. And what is more is a back passenger seat and two pedals to rest the legs on behind! And now it is packed outside the house which means more space for the kitchen. Let's see what creative use mybakuteh will make of the freed space. Now going to Pang Chong or Central is no issue. We have become mobile.
Sarge Wen and Angela arrived safely early in the morning at past 4 am. Their checked in luggage probably caused the delay. Sarge Wen has an elaborate feasting itinerary! Watch out for photos! Ha!Ha! He planned for No 4 at 7 am and it is now 8.15 am and they are still sleeping!

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