Sunday, June 19, 2011

Joab's Big Day

Ha!Ha! Happy Birthday to Little Joab. And here he is with his combined Birthday Pressie from the Grand Aunts and Uncles.

Held at Henry's home, it was a night packed with children. Here is a happy family birthday picture. The mee siam was extraordinary!
Here is a solo celebration! Stand up for Joab!!! By the way the cake is more than its usual share of alcohol ingredients....

And here is the nonchalant Birthday boy playing alone before the cake cutting. Funny but he came near the Indianboyfriend and use his finger to wipe against his hand and said - it was chocolate coloured!!! And while we were eating the hot mee siam, the kids were having pizza delivered. The Indianboyfriend asked Ethan for a piece and was turned down with a "NO" for three times. Then suddenly, he appeared and brought a large slice for him!!!Looks like he is making some headway with the kids!!!
At the end of the day, kind Beng Khoon and Siew Mui offered us a ride all the way to our home. And in his sparking new Teena somehow!
Today is Cruise to Phuket Day... Ha!Ha! heard that interent service is 50cts a min on cruise ships!!!!So clearly no blogging until Wednesday at least!
Local news... the tiao lou case turned out to be a 30 plus young lady who rented a room on the 6th floor. The funeral was held in the void deck last night and her picture was displayed. Stories are not clear but we were told she quarrelled with her landlady and then went up to the 12th storey to jump. They say she may not be a Singaporean which is conflicting as the funeral has quite a lot of people around.
Singapore did it again. Its under 15 played against Manchester united u15 as Singapore was Bronze medallist in the OG. The indianboyfriend watched the match last night and got fed up with the 2-1 losing score at half time and went to sleep. And this morning papers reported Singapore WON! The score went to 3-1 but on the last 7 minutes of the game, Singapore scored THREE goals! Hmm.. not bad... but could it be the heat and jet lag that pulled MU down???? Have a great weekend.

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