Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Lobster Tale

More of the Cruise. There are 5 restaurants on board, three of which are inclusive ( ie free). The other two are Samurai and Noble House. So we started with Samarai. The first course is the Samshimi... Hmm wonder how they keep the fish fresh after they set sail. Maybe they got some one fishing behind the ship!

The second was a substitute for beef. It was deep fried chicken.. very yummy..

And the third was the highlight - Lobster Tail... eat it and you have a tale to spin! Mybakuteh said it was better eaten without the sauce to bring out the taste.

And the red bean ice cream desert. We were wondering what took them so long as we had a magic show to catch. Then we saw the decoration which we were told had to be done personally by the chef

And after the wonderful meal. it was walking around the ship to eat sea wind. This one is taken when the ship docked at Langkawi and thousands of the pax went on shore to Kuah town to find out that lunch on board was much better and FREE!
The indianboyfriend is on the top deck where the pool was. He did not have the courage to dive into the pool or jacuzzi or the water pipe. Just eating sea wind...

Local news... The Under 16 soccer team made it to the finals to day as they beat their opponent 4 -3 in penalty shoot out. When they game started they first led with 2 -0 at half time. In the shoot out, Singapore missed but heng ah heng ah, one of other team moved, and Referee ordered a reshoot and Singapore won. There I told you, football is like the casino,,, it is all luck! Ha!Ha! Went to Chong Pang this morning and had the $5 haircut.. Looked like ready to enter NS again!!!Guess what we are having for lunch.

 Have a great Weekend!

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