Monday, October 31, 2011

A splashing Time

Imagine jumping into the villa pool three times a day. Sleep so well yesterday morning that could not see Kaledoscop3 off at the reception at 6 am. Any way had nice breakfast and went to airport. Was wondering during the trip why no road accident when road so narrow and then saw one on way to airport. Alamak got to pay 150k for airport tax and free wi fi does not even work. Here is a pic of the famous roast pig as which has queues like No 4 stall. You get a slice of skin, some lean meat and two pieces of deep fried skin I think. Then we had the sea food platter at night at Ubud. Crabs, lobster, prawns, squids, clam and lots of fish. We ate up all the two platter. Excellent trip but two disappointments. Weak wi fi in hotel and strange foot massage. They make to lie on your back for it and it was more of a leg massage. TCM expert Lind warned us against it but he sighed that no one ever listens to him.
Planned to order lunch on board but suddenly they gave out free buns again. This time was Kaya bin. So when arriving at changi went to canteen and order Buddha jump over the wall! 8 dollars per bowl. Ate two pieces of what looked like abalone but you can never be sure.
At night put on my sunnies and went to yew tee mrt to negotiate lta enjoying dodgey deal. Wag came back with two big bags. Mybakuteh got to repack.
Back to reality on queen's birthday
Early morning exercise for mybakuteh. Of course no posting is complete without Hannah. Here are two images from the large video clips sent to us.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Princely living

Ha!ha! A whole villa to yourself with a private pool. And an open air showering facility. The hard part was the 1.5 hour ride to Ubud. But check through at customs was a breeze as a nice buy told us to go ahead and take the empty queue instead of the snakey ones for those with visas. Got nice afternoon tea served at your villa and the people coming with food on carried on their heads. Everyone was so friendly. So the first thing was to jump into the pool followed by Balinese massage in hotel complimentary for 1 hour. Wow the oil kneading was heavenly and again they have open air shower facing wooded area. Looked to see if any glint in the bushes before we began. And dinner also free ( the power of free) was served at villa too. Table all laid up and the food brought in. The stewed duck was great. Then half an hour desert was served with coffee and then . But it poured heavily so kaledoscop3 did not turn up at villa as planned. When rain stopped momentarily, she suddenly appeared with tab pao! They had gone to Ubud to buy the famous crispy duck ( you eat the bone too) and the pork rob. It was a dinner of a life time. Then it rained again. We retired to DVD but could play only Tree of Life. Yawn... Change to Thor.. Yawn... Then fell asleep. Ha! Ha! Got nice pics from daddy lta ennoying. Cannot upload video do just took a still pic . ( the wifi here is see pay mun). But Dear Hannah has grown to be more interactive. Read mummy paid gynae and got insulted too! Looks like doctor subscribe to Hippotamus Oath ( open mouth and bite). Enjoy the pics. Note the bananas are green in the fruit basket. Kaledoscop3 dared not eat them on first day until she learned they are ripe when green. Haven't seen snake fruit for a long time. Today's target: 3 hours massage!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Ta ba to airport

Ha! Ha! Got up early and ta ba to airport. Wa low - bus so pack with office workers so stand all the way . Better not complain as board the plane sit all the way. Ate breakfast at airport and say siu tai but no use as all coffee is pre mixed. Took a pic of mybakuteh as the indianboyfriend is seating on the free massage chair blogging.
Garmen not customer friendly. Want to get free wi fi must submit passport to information counter and get password . In Macau they display the password clearly for you to use. Ha! Ha! Bali here we come. Time same as Singapore. Kaleidoscop3 arranging Babi penman for lunch!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hannah calendar

It has arrived! A pressure for Daddy and Mummy. It was even all the family birthdays marked in print especially Hannah, Daddy and Mummy. ( and of course grandpa and grandma ) . Yesterday's lunch was a success but Eton had rashes and he could not come. So Joab became Kin. We spent time drawing dinosaur. Tip: never draw the eye or Joab will be very upset. He was to do it himself. The food was plentiful and the highlight was Magmum even for adults! Nikko impressed us by making the agar agar jelly herself. Was told my Elizabeth that he wailed and cried aloud while watching the Lion King when the Old lion king was killed. Then we say Uncle Hin Weng' s chilly plant which was overfed with fertiliser. Not in very good shape. Probably had heart ( root ) problem. It was such a busy day that the indianboyfriend had no time to swim. So much for a retired life! Also heard the good news that Sainy is now a proud home owner in Wilson . Went to the web to look at it with the help of Sarge Wen AC and it looked really nice with a nice alfresco area. Tomorrow we are heading Bali to spend our millions of rupiah!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Which is the real Hannah?

Ha! Ha! Today is Deepavali holiday and the indianboyfriend's festival of lights. Mybakuteh has been looking at old albums and we have picked up a photo for you to guess. Tricked you, didn't we? That is not Daddy Lta Ennoying! It is Sarge Wen Ah Chek!
Got another cute movie clip from Kin but cannot upload as 7 mb. So got a still picture of dear Hannah sucking her thumb. Went shopping yesterday and mybakuteh GM did it again. Another dress for church.
Managed to FaceTime with Sarge Wen AC last night. Ha!ha! Not so clear but saw his new hair cut and took a face time pic. Mybakuteh is now preparing for her surprise pot luck lunch dish for this afternoon Cheok family get together. Enjoy the pics!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Overnight Millionaire

ha!ha! Went to the money changer to get some rupiah for Bali and became an instant Millionnaire. 2.1 million rupiahs which is actually only 300 dollars. Imagine being charged 1 m dollars in Bali - only 140 bucks! Anyway got a list of activities from kaledoscop3. It's the 3 M's. Makan massage and main.
Went town and had lunch with Halt chor. Brought the indianboyfriend to the long lost Bra Basah Waterloo street Indian Tikal. It is thriving now at the Bras Brasah road hawker centre. She says to take circle line to kallang to eat at the old hawker centre there. Unforgettable hokkien mee. Tomorrow is Deepavali holiday - a special day for the indianboyfriend! Ha! Ha! Also a day for Cheok family pot luck lunch at Poh Choo 's place - now no longer opposition.
Big, bigger, biggest! Look at the babies at church. You would have thought Hannah was big!

Monday, October 24, 2011


Ha!ha! Here are some pics of us at the pool edge at the sky park in Marina Sands. Kaledoscop3 pic shows the warm foaming jacuzzi. At home the electrons went on strike. The microwave oven died on us. The indianboyfriend tried to buy a fuse but to no avail. Went to Harvey to buy after church. Alamat need two person to carry back. Then threw again the old one downstairs on the way to swim and when the indianboyfriend returned, it was gone.
Dui wei bo lo
Hen kuai bu zai
No shuo will kuai bu qi kuai.
Have successfully videoed halt Chor's by Skype. Now to try with sarge Wen AC and of course ultimately Hannah!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Finding Founders

Went to Flounders and there was large Q last evening. Even got Q cutting. Well the meal was as usual exceptional . The intestines were the crunchiest. And this was not all. Quite upset Hannah's pic was not in Founder's Wall of pic fame. A true celebrity has not been recognized. There was the yellow top grade durian for desert.
Got more nice pics of Hannah including Hannah Bond 0727 and Hannah Supergirl. also Hannah the masked Marvel. Could not post the video of flying Hannah so got an image shop. kaledoscop3 has left for Bali this morning. Guess she got to eat all the Must eat food.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Hannah Wall of Fame

Ha!Ha! Went for the family dinner last night and saw that Hannah has a special wall of fame at Ah Ko's home. And it seems young  Sarge Wen AC has also a painting up to share the glory.
It was a real feast and there was a large array of food!
And for a close up for the food!
And look at the pressie for Hannah from Auntie June and Uncle Ramesh.

Ha!ha! Kaledoscop3 went to Universal Studio and she rode the Battlestar Galactica, not once but twice and all upside down! She says if you can do the Mummy, you can do the upside down. But the indianboyfriend GP is not convinced!
Got a nice video of Hannah fussing but too large to upload. We pray for calmness and peaceful sleep!