Monday, October 31, 2011

A splashing Time

Imagine jumping into the villa pool three times a day. Sleep so well yesterday morning that could not see Kaledoscop3 off at the reception at 6 am. Any way had nice breakfast and went to airport. Was wondering during the trip why no road accident when road so narrow and then saw one on way to airport. Alamak got to pay 150k for airport tax and free wi fi does not even work. Here is a pic of the famous roast pig as which has queues like No 4 stall. You get a slice of skin, some lean meat and two pieces of deep fried skin I think. Then we had the sea food platter at night at Ubud. Crabs, lobster, prawns, squids, clam and lots of fish. We ate up all the two platter. Excellent trip but two disappointments. Weak wi fi in hotel and strange foot massage. They make to lie on your back for it and it was more of a leg massage. TCM expert Lind warned us against it but he sighed that no one ever listens to him.
Planned to order lunch on board but suddenly they gave out free buns again. This time was Kaya bin. So when arriving at changi went to canteen and order Buddha jump over the wall! 8 dollars per bowl. Ate two pieces of what looked like abalone but you can never be sure.
At night put on my sunnies and went to yew tee mrt to negotiate lta enjoying dodgey deal. Wag came back with two big bags. Mybakuteh got to repack.
Back to reality on queen's birthday
Early morning exercise for mybakuteh. Of course no posting is complete without Hannah. Here are two images from the large video clips sent to us.

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