Saturday, October 29, 2011

Princely living

Ha!ha! A whole villa to yourself with a private pool. And an open air showering facility. The hard part was the 1.5 hour ride to Ubud. But check through at customs was a breeze as a nice buy told us to go ahead and take the empty queue instead of the snakey ones for those with visas. Got nice afternoon tea served at your villa and the people coming with food on carried on their heads. Everyone was so friendly. So the first thing was to jump into the pool followed by Balinese massage in hotel complimentary for 1 hour. Wow the oil kneading was heavenly and again they have open air shower facing wooded area. Looked to see if any glint in the bushes before we began. And dinner also free ( the power of free) was served at villa too. Table all laid up and the food brought in. The stewed duck was great. Then half an hour desert was served with coffee and then . But it poured heavily so kaledoscop3 did not turn up at villa as planned. When rain stopped momentarily, she suddenly appeared with tab pao! They had gone to Ubud to buy the famous crispy duck ( you eat the bone too) and the pork rob. It was a dinner of a life time. Then it rained again. We retired to DVD but could play only Tree of Life. Yawn... Change to Thor.. Yawn... Then fell asleep. Ha! Ha! Got nice pics from daddy lta ennoying. Cannot upload video do just took a still pic . ( the wifi here is see pay mun). But Dear Hannah has grown to be more interactive. Read mummy paid gynae and got insulted too! Looks like doctor subscribe to Hippotamus Oath ( open mouth and bite). Enjoy the pics. Note the bananas are green in the fruit basket. Kaledoscop3 dared not eat them on first day until she learned they are ripe when green. Haven't seen snake fruit for a long time. Today's target: 3 hours massage!

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