Monday, October 3, 2011

Another Guess the Right Hannah!

Ha!Ha! Two more pics to examine: which is the real Hannah!

Ha!Ha! The first is Daddy at birth! Looks like both bored Daddy and Daughter needs a little excitement!
Look at artist Gong2...( blush!!) doing a sketch of another bored pose of Hannah!
Ha!Ha! Went to church yesterday and mybakuteh was hoping to sing "Be a Blessing to the Nation" again as benediction. But then they changed to a new song "Take the Name of Jesus". By the way she has been singing Bless the Nation as we leave the Subi church each time.
Today is Monday and we are off to Cambodia  - this time Pnom Pehn. Visit some historial sites, eat some nice food and get a little of massage! US $ has soared to 1.32 now when it was 1.26 two weeks ago. This time we are all equipped with Ipad and Kindle on Board. The hotel has free wi fi so watch out for the blog.
Ha!Ha! Read from Kin's Blog that we are now entitled to 3 X Free European Trips... wonder if we should make a claim after winter!!!
Latest pic from Kin on Hannah. Looks like she is now more cheerful. Keep it up Hannah, we are counting on you!

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