Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Which is the real Hannah?

Ha! Ha! Today is Deepavali holiday and the indianboyfriend's festival of lights. Mybakuteh has been looking at old albums and we have picked up a photo for you to guess. Tricked you, didn't we? That is not Daddy Lta Ennoying! It is Sarge Wen Ah Chek!
Got another cute movie clip from Kin but cannot upload as 7 mb. So got a still picture of dear Hannah sucking her thumb. Went shopping yesterday and mybakuteh GM did it again. Another dress for church.
Managed to FaceTime with Sarge Wen AC last night. Ha!ha! Not so clear but saw his new hair cut and took a face time pic. Mybakuteh is now preparing for her surprise pot luck lunch dish for this afternoon Cheok family get together. Enjoy the pics!

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