Friday, September 17, 2010

Fours Days in a Streak!

Ha!Ha! Today is June Kong actual Birthday. Have a great Day, June!
Four Days is a streak. Have tried to change bowel habits to first thing after waking up. And it worked for Monday to Thursday. But this morning the spell broke. Maybe it was the dinner last night. But when reached office, it happened. So can say 5 Days in a Streak! Ha!Ha! Professor Lee Lee says no problems - just drink a glass of warm water and it will all happen!!!
Local news. Looks like garmen spent $380 m on YOG - three times the budget! Garmen will allowing R21 movies to be shown in the heartland for the retirees??? Ah Peks. At SPH a senior executive, Peter Khoo was sacked because he stole vouchers from the company!!!! Hmm in a moment of weakness...
The Cheoks are all geared for moutain climbing this weekend with each party arriving at different times. The indianboyfriend is well equipped with climbing pants - the cargo type that can put passport, mineral water, chips and sandwiches to chop the machines. Ha!Ha!
Today is Friday and it is Fruit Day for the indianboyfriend. Company got new policy to give Fruits every Friday... Wonder if they will ever give a watermelon each!
Weekend is here, enjoy and relax!

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