Monday, September 6, 2010

In God we trust

When we heard of the Earth quake in NZ, we realise that is no safe place in the world. Only safe place is in God's hands. Then there are floods in Victoria, not to mention Asia. Goh Chok Tong was correct - we should not complain too much as developed nation  - crowded trains, expensive houses when our basic needs are met. Today is Monday and a short week. Friday is Hari Raya  and thursday is the Indianboyfriend's birthday! Father's Day is over on Sunday!This 62th Birthday is auspiscious and it is the start of the annuity payment and entitlement to withdraw from the SRS fund!
Mybakuteh has gone back to exercise today. This week will also see a start of a new work routine as the indianboyfriend intends to start work much later!
Have a great Day!

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