Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Birthday to Sarge Wen!

Ha!Ha! This is the Big Bang! Sarge Wen's 26th Birthday. Could control himself so opened the pressies before the actual day. See what he got.

Ha!Ha! More ties to tie him to the office for sure! Here is a pic of a celebration
believe or not in 2003 or his 19th Birthday!

Of course Lta Ennoying and Kaledoscop3 were also much younger then!!!
Have a great day Sarge Wen!!!!! And may all your dreams come true! Local news the Mooncake festival did not turn out well in Woodlands when the Mother was stabbed to death after a little lantern walk around with the son and husband. Meanwhile, The Games in Delhi are going ahead. In Perth traine drivers have thrown in sickies causing travel confusion.  Hmm.. time to throw my in before it is too late. Ha!Ha!
Remember to send your wishes via this blog for Sarge Wen!
Today is also Friday - have a great weekend ahead!

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