Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Zhong Qiu Jie

Ha!Ha! Tonite is Mid Autumn Festival leh.  There are many stories about Chang er and Houyi the archer. One is that Houyi is immortal and fell in love with the palace lady Chang er. Because of this they were banished to earth to live a live of mortals. Then one day the earth was burning up by the ten suns and the Emperor asked Houyi the Archer to shoot them down. And when he did he gave him the pill of immortality. Houyi hid the pill at home and one day his wife saw it and swallowed it. She became immortal and flew to the moon. But she spit out half of the pill so she could not go back to earth. Houyi commanded the hare in the moon to make a herb pill for Chang er. This is why till today you can see the image of the hare on the moon pounding for the herb. And this is why when you play slot machine, the bonus is Houyi shooting the ten suns!!! Ha!Ha!
Celebration tonight at Henry Cheok place for all to shang ye and carry lanterns. Hmm wonder if there is celebration too in Perth!
Today is Wednesday and mid week! And Mybakuteh and the Cheok gang returned last night on a delayed flight. No exercise today as too tired and the hands are over exercised too!
Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

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