Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Scooby Scooby Doop!

Ha!Ha! The indianboyfriend went for his annual health check and was told to go and do a colonyscopy. Was told that the scopy is quite frightening and there is even a risk of death if general anesthesia is used! According to Lee who has recently gone for one, the two days before the test is most trying. They make you drink yuckky medicine for you to rush to the loo and pang sia all the time to clean up your passageway. You are also not allowed to drive after the test as they administer drowsy drugs. Think they do not use general anaesthesia any more. The only good thing about this scopy is you may get one day's leave!!!!
It's all over for Sarge Wen. The examies are over and he had done a credible job. Now it's time for belated birthday celebrations! Hmm...another one of his famous steamboat????
Ha!Ha! Went ot Chong Pang last weekend and ate from this high-tech noodles shop - their fish cake is broad and thin. They use a touch screen to monitor the orders... to track sales and plan for the provisions. Hmm. must have a son or daughter in polytechnic!!!It even has a printer to print out orders. The Noodles? Well so so only...
Today is Wednesday and yesterday the indianboyfriend did it again. Went to the pool and found he did not pack his swimming gear. Think this must be about the fifth time!!! To solve this, he even got two googles and two trunks but what is the use when both of them are hanging at home to dry...
Looks like Kaledoscop3 is all set for the Malaysian holidays next January. All flights and rooms are booked. The Air Asia fares are incredible low and so is the meals on board - $3 for nasi brani... Understand they give you a cup of water too!
Ha! Ha! Have a great Mid week!

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