Friday, October 29, 2010

Ko jit pei!

Ha!Ha! You can't say you have been to Perth unless you have eaten at Matsuri! But the menu for lunch and dinner seems a little different. You have to prove yourself if you want to finish the lunch box - only Sarge Wen and Lta Ennoying managed to do so. See the difference.
This is their $25 lunch box - jia beh liao man! But look at the same price for dinner.
Hmm... so when Lta Ennoying suggested lunch at Matsuri without knowing Kaledoscop3 brought us there already for dinner, the indianboyfriend said, why not! But should try the thick sushi at Sunday next time!
It rained last night! And it's back to expensive petrol - it is $1.82 in Singapore! Marina Bay Sands casino made $242 m in the last quarter! Looks like they always have the house edge.  Well  as for the indianboyfriend it is back to swimming and chai png. And also to the never ending Wu guo hua ( Score) where now Uncle Mark is being charged for hit and run driving. The good thing is that the ruo ku chai girl and Pierce and back again as one item. But while watching, the indianboyfriend wondered what happened to the junior master chef - where any more contestants forgot to put in the egg for their dessert!!!!
D Day is coming next Tuesday for the medical check up. Today is Friday and weekend is here. No canningvale but will look for some good orange buys at Aunty Lucy. The question is this Saturday. Will Mr Teo fly to Perth and visit?
Ha!Ha! May his brother will visit Yishun. Enjoy

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Satisfied Shareholder

Ha!Ha! Back to Singapore and the $2.50 noodles. Very impressed with Tiger Air last night. Left punctually and arrived at 2.50 am on the spot! That makes the indianboyfriend a very satisfied shareholder!
Greeted by a bunch of junk mail and one from the MOE. The dengue fever thing has resurged and they wanted to check the house again.  Hmm mybakuteh says don't worry as we do not have water collecting receptables. But to be safe better check the toilets and flush them before they arrive.
Today is Thursday and one more day it will be weekend. But no canningvale or Mr B or even junior master chef! Kind of a a full week in Perth eating and dining out of the kids' generosity. Special thanks to Kalesdocop3 for making an extra effort to arrange for the squid fishing at Woodiess despite being a weekday. And of course Sarge Wen who took a day off to attend to us. And not forgetting Lta Ennoying who came to fetch us for lunch. Well the indianboyfriend did all the MUST DO except Circerello but there's plenty of time for that in Dec. Well it's back to chai png tonight... Wonder what is the MSG level over here!
Have a great day and great night shopping!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blurr like Sotong

Ha!Ha! Can see mybakuteh holding the fishing rod with a squid in the end? If cannot it is because sotong so blurr that cannot see one. Here is a better(?) shot.
Hmm the first sotong ever caught by the indianboyfriend. This one is high class for sure as it takes a $20 lure... But the jetty scenery was spectacular although it was windy and cold.
Spectacular Perth sunset. There was a group that was simply scooping fish off the jetty as they swam in schools near the surface. Think this is illegal. Here is a pic of a patient fishermen who did his best but with no happy results.
But he brought us to a nice restaurant to fill us up with hot tea and warm food after the chilly experience.

 First time at Woodie's and impressed with the abundance of fish there... wonder how long this will last with those fish scoopers. Local news..the Aussies are unhappy with the SGX Take over as they complained Singapore has a human rights record and executed the Aussie smuggler in 2004 despite garmen's plea. Well the losers are the investors. Stock went up $2 on announcement and now fell $3.00 on the back lash. World news ..more natural disaster with Tsunami and Merapi explosion in Indonesia. Singapore is top corrupt free country together with Denmark and NZ but alamak there was just recent case of LTA people embezzling funds!
Today is Wednesday and sadly the Indianboyfriend has to go back to Chai Png tonights after a wonderful activity filled 7 days in Perth especially with the family. Think he can live in Perth after retirement. Especially he has got some experience in getting back to drive in Perth. According to Sarge Wen you need to know only seven highways to drive in Perth! Well there is a nice lunch waiting for the indianboyfriend and mybakuteh at Matsuri! Hope the indianboyfriend's luggage will pass the 7 kg Tiger air limit! Don't if should go and bao zhou at Burrie or not. Ha!Ha!Have a great day!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Ha!Ha! Poh Piah main dish... but then there are the several Taos - tao gay, tao chew, tao pok... and of course cooked prawns from Spudshed ( Farmer's). And who are the diners?
Guess what mybakuteh is saying... You don't know what I put inside the vegetables..... or perhaps you don't know where I got the veggies.. And here is another snapshot to include the elusive Justin!
And the record eater? Four rolls the most! Singapore news... Lucy Toh takes over St Andrew's as principal.Also the horrifying news that a fast speed rail link between KL and Singapore is being planned. That will make mountain climbing very accessible! In Perth the hunt for the contract killer goes on. It seems the victim was shot in the head for a $500 loan money. At Beatty Ave Sarge Wen is replanting and the new flowers looks promising to grow.
Today is Tuesday and one more day to go before the indianboyfriend head home for the daily chai pings...His luggage will be small as travelling Lite on Tiger entitles you only 7 miserable Kg. Ha!Ha! stuff everything into the computer bag!!!
Ha!Ha! today is also ang moh massage day with Kaledoscop3 vouchers... Don't know if shuan or not! Have a great day.

Monday, October 25, 2010

BBQ in Park

Ha!Ha! What's more Australian than having a BBQ in the Park. Kaledoscop3 whipped up some lovely sausages, meat and chicken wings. There was also the nice Korean sushi from Angela and the lemon cake from Sian.It was bright and sunny. The only problem was the summer flies. They were buzzing all over.
Now what on earth are they doing holding the large plates... Errr. fly swatting. Justin brought an insecticide spray but all it did was just spiced up the food.
With all the work done, it was time to just sit down and eat! Yammy... Photo was taken after Robin joined us but before Justin came. Local news.. Perth ( Ha!Ha!) Tonight is Po Piah night at Beatty Avenue... with Singapore po piah skins.  In Singapore the haze has been brought down by the rain and psi is now 19. There was a report that a PR was fined in court for molesting a 26 year old female doctor at the clinic! Must be crazy or really sick. The indianboyfriend is getting quite a hand driving around town in Sarge Wen's Honda...Found out everywhere lies along the Leach Highway! What the program before Wednesday? Hmm.. the massage with Kaledoscop3 vouchers. Mybakuteh says its must be before food.
Well caught up with some pretty watchable movies over the SBS channel but these are international films. Ha!Ha! Finally went for a jog yesterday and was even more tired when the indianboyfriend tried to help in the gardening in the evening.. it was Operations save the lavenders and replant the front porch. Oh yes the adjourning house is up for sale...If a purchase is made Sarge Wen will live in a six room, two toilet home... Ha!Ha!
Today is Monday and make it a great day! Yippee no work for the indianboyfriend!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Kon Ba Tee Ka

Ha!Ha! Here is dinner last night and the first dish Lta Ennoying orders was Tee Ka!Hmm.. it was soon all gone...But Big Bowl doesn't seem so big now.
And here are the bowls - judge the size for yourself. The good thing about the Vic Park branch is that it is very special. And guess who hosted the meal?  The picture may be misleading though..
Ha!Ha! If you have eaten at Big Bowl you will now payment is at the counter!! And deserts? No - bubble tea.. red bean sago and chao ta lemonade...
Seems to be doing a brisk business but noticed all patrons are young people.  Local news ( aka Perth)... there is controversy over the stop and search rule by Police on people on the street. Went to see Eat Pray and Laugh on compliments of Kaledoscop3 but did not laugh much. Movie is a disappointment and so must be the book. But it will appeal to Americans as the falling and and falling out of relationship thing is a culture there. If you do go Bali do not see Ketut the Wise Man.. doesn't seem to be too wise at all. In Singapore the haze has crossed over to 100 psi. Today is already Friday and we are all geared to go to Canningvale to hunt for mangoes!!!
Meanwhile eat less, pray more and laugh alot... laugh at the people who have gone to see the movie.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

See Pei Yam!!!!

Ha!Ha! This little ChongQin eatery in Williams Street did us all in last night. Kaledoscop3 gave a treat to this spicy restaurant with the signature claypot chicken bone.... Made mybakuteh wake up at 6 am and bang sia!!! You get a kind of fish head curry tummy after burn but more intense. And this is not the end as we tak bao the remaining soup!. The next delight was the beer duck.
 but nothing can beat the fried chilli chicken.
This is the beer duck. Suppose to pour in the beer as the duck is stewed.
This is it. The most tasty and juicy fried chicken. A ,meal by itself. And who were the beneficiaries of this treat?
Ha!Ha! Not much of decor but it was clean and nice except for the door which kept on bringing gushes of cold wind to the table.  Local News... ( now Perth).. the garmen is hard on its heels on users of sprinkler users.   Also the grand prize for Lotto on 30 Oct is believe it or not AS$20 million....Singapore news.. the haze is here again and PSI is 60 due to Sumatran burning. Also Iggy's restuarant in Hilton has been named as the top eatery in Asia!!!!
Well what is the problem today? With the complimentary voucher  of Kaledoscop3 it could be an hour massage or a movie . Hmm hard to design with Burswood around except with Sarge Wen's clear instruction from Shepparton to turn right, then left, then right again....
Anyway today is Thursday and night shopping. Bread here is rather expensive. Mybakuteh got one for $4!!! Maybe we should do let them eat cakes!!
Have a great day today.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ha!Ha! Ang Mo pai Jetstar!

Surprise! Surprise! Jetstar left on time last evening! It was a pretty good flight except the the seats wouldn't recline! Alamat, the announcement all got Aussie twang one. Sat next to a young girl who took half an hour to fill in her card ( waiting to use her pen). Must have a lot of items subject to the tricky questions on the card! Competition on budget airline is heating up. Air Asia very bad. Put up a fill page advertisement to make fun of Tiger Air. Says if Tiger can fly, they would have been born with wings but Asia guaranteed all their flights. Then put in a picture of a silly looking Tiger soft toy some more!Anyway the immigration was swift and surprisingly efficient! Sarge Wen was enroute when we got out and it saves the trouble of parking! The best thing was when wake up this morning ( slightly chilly), bang sai straight away!
Ha!Ha! Holding on the Beak of a fish! That's another sail fish caught and released at Rompin! That day saw the Nat Geog program which says Florida tried to save the crocodile and now with protective act, there are zillions of crocs so that an adolescent went swimming in a creek and was gobbled up by a croc. Crocs also are found in their swimming pools. So there are pros and cons of conservation!
Ha!Ha! 7 days of lazing around. But no! There are some work to do in the garden. And now that Sarge Wen has left the car at home, it may be daily trips to Burswood to get free drinks and discounted meals. Oh yes, there has not been much activity in Perth for someone and he looks more rounded ( better looking for sure). And who is this? Hmmm clue a budding medical doctor!!!!
In Singapore Shadrake admitted in court there were errors in his book "Once a Jolly swagman" and alleges garmen give differential treatment to drug offenders. Today is Wednesday and Mid Week. Have a great Day ( at work - the indianboyfriend on leave). Talking about leave there is this joke over radio when a man say his Ah Beng friend in his house fang yue sze zai da de jiao. So he called him and asked, Ni gan ma? And his friend replied, "Wo on leave, leh".
Ha!ha! Work hard!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Don't Play Play Man, Marlin Hunter is here!

Look at the baby Marlin Lee has caught last week. But it was a catch a release rule so no take home trophy. Told it was caught witha floating bait as the fish is a surface breeder. Local news...Citizens and PR have to sell their landed property once they lose their residency status... In Perth do not switch on your sprinkler or face a on the spot $100 fine!
Today is D-Day. The carry on luggages are packed to full to take advantage of the 10 kg allowance. Should have bought check in man! Mybakuteh is busy trying to set the house in order before flying.
We are leaving at 5.50 pm via Jetstar and arriving at 11.10 pm.
Hope the popiah skin get through speedily!
Have a great day!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Here is the food but where are the people?

Ha!Ha! Here is the pot luck luncheon at Henry Cheok's house on Sunday but where are the people? Well, open the door and here are the people!
Ha!Ha! Here are the people tucking in.  Funny thing as the indianboyfriend sat on the sofa and watched Iron Man II with Joab. Seems that he enjoyed and understood the movie as much as the indianboyfriend. Hmm wonder if his mentality has denegerated. But if you want to see trophies of Transformers and understand their names, you have to consult Joab.

Today is Monday and tomolo is flying off day! Spring in Perth - here we come. But not much goodies to bring as we are travelling Lite!!! Went to the company D & D last nite and all the indianboyfriend got was a $50 voucher... aiyah better than nothing even missing the $3500 cash by a mile. But this one is the last one man so no more lucky draw.
Have a great day today.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Drama at Yishun

Ha!Ha! small drama la. Last evening the lift broke down and a resident was stick on the 5th floor. When the indianboyfriend came back, they were doing the rescue. But garmen installed 3 lifts in block so life and jogging goes on.
Local news... Dolly Kassim, the football gelek king, passed away yesterday. He died while playing football in a veteran's game. He was only 61.  Who says exercise is good for you! At the Commonwealth games Singapore shone in shooting and table -tennis. In the finals, it was Singapore versus Singapore!
Today is Friday and Lee is back from her one week Rompin deep sea fishing - Rompin is famous for its marlin.Today is also the weekend. Then back to Perth for cuttlefish jigging at Woodies. Ha! Ha! In Perth it was reported crime in public transport ( and probably everywhere else) is rising.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ah Long now Lights Up

The Ah Long saga has not ended. Last night three cars were torched by loan sharks in Chua Chu Kang estate. Two of them were untimely parked next to the intended lexus. Don't know if it is the casino fault. Yesterday there was report of a man in Singapore casino who lost $100 million. Said to have bet $300K at one hand each time... Aiyah  very heart attack. People play 40 five cents credit alread tong bei tiao!!!!!
Today is Thursday and no exercise for the indianboyfriend as he has not recovered from sleep deprivation.
Ha!Ha! The colonoscopy is scheduled for 2 Nov... it will be cleansing before that event. Told cannot drive as the patient will be drowsy after the process. Anyway it is good to have your system flushed once in a while.
Have a great day!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Great Noodles but small bowl Soup

Di ah bei kern, kao ah bei piew, Mybakuteh is already in Q for the No 4 AMK mee. This was last weekend when we suddenly had the urge to eat the noodles. And the person in front of her order 8 ta bao packages! Of course the taste was great but unfortunately we had the small bowl soup as she forgot to ask.
And after this was the famous carrot cake - still selling at $2.00.  Local news The billionaire Peter Lim has up his stake to 320 million pounds for the liverpool. This is $600 million. Wonder why the investment when with the money you can live on in style until you die!Today is mid week already and time really flies. Have a great Day.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

In Memory

In Memory of Mama
Sunday 10 oct was Mama's birthday.
Mama left us in 1996, 14 years ago at the age of 71
If she had been alive, she would be 85.

This is a pic with the bunnies at Yio Chu Kang patio.

Don't know why but there is this thing about the pool and the indianboyfriend. Last week went to Mount Faber pool and the carpark was full so no swim as the nearest HBD is quite far away. Then on the weekend, drove to Yishun without the wallet so no card to enter. Wonder is there are any more combinations.
Today is Monday and one week before the Perth flight. Local news, besides the step down of the Principal of ACS due to alleged improper behavaiour towards the male teacher, there is now a scandal of two female student  allegedly having a tryst in the toilet and videoed and circulated. The two have since left the school. Also in Perth there is a family living out of the car and the mother is pregnant. You would have thought this type of thing happens only in Asia. The situation is the same. They sell their house for cash. Like in Singapore, they end up camping ing Changi beach.

This week will be a busy week for the indianboyfriend. For the rest of you have a great week ahead for sure!

Friday, October 8, 2010

A$ on par with US$

The Aussie dollar is not at its peak and ah la mak cannot do any conversions now man. So got to be careful in Burswood when in Perth cos it is X1.3!
Local news.. Singapore got two more medals, this time silver and bronze for shooting again. Across the causeway - in Seremban a wild monkey snatched a 4 day old baby and ran away. The baby was bitten and dropped to death. In USA an elderly lady put superglue instead of eye drops into her eyes and had to undergo surgery to reopen the eyes. Do not mix your medicine friends! Today is Friday and it is Fruit Day in the indianboyfriend's company. Last week we moved to exotic fruits and got a mango! Wonder what it will be today..strawies???
Time flies and 19 Oct is coming for the trip back to Perth in time for Spring.
Today is Friday and the weekend is here. Enjoy for sure!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Got Consultant Look or not?

Wa lao! Stylo Milo. That was what happened when the indianboyfriend went to Kaledoscop3 Image Change PTTY to have his resume cleaned up. The result? a professional photo taken based on step by step instruction from the consultant! Question is: will you hire this man!!!
Local news.. Mrs Lee funeral had a massive turn out for her from all walks of life. Lee Kuan Yew"s eulogy is touching:
"I have precious memories of our 63 years together. Without her, I

would be a different man, with a different life. She devoted herself to me and our children. She was always there when I needed her. She has lived a life full of warmth and meaning." Read the other eulogies of her family members at
The Commonwealth Games goes on and Singapore got 2 golds for shooting. Perth's gymnast Lauren did Australia proud too. International news... the trial of the Romanian ambassador goes on in Bulgaria with our friend again denying his guilt. COE rises again in Singapore and now to get a car up to 1600 cc the bill is $33K!!!!Hmm better take repair the bicycle at home.
Used the sunblock at the pool the other day. After one lap, wiped my face and half of it came off!!!Maybe it is sun drop, not sun block.
Today is Thursday already and it is night shopping again! Have a great day knowing the weekend is just round the corner!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Yishun Baking Helpline!

Ginger bread animals!!! Gabriel made a hotline call to mybakuteh to ask for a gingerbread man and the bakress started cranking . The result: heaps of chewy gingerbread animals. And for the special request there is the giant Gingerbread man for Gabriel.
HaHa! See how far this gingerbread boy can run before it is gobbled up by little Gabriel. But Gayle must not be forgotten. There is the gingerbread girl for her too!

Ha!Ha! The first beneficiary is of course the indianboyfriend who had a bite of the gingerbread this morning for breakfast!
Perth news: RBA is raising interest at 2 pm today from 4.5 to 4.75% which means a $50 more payment per month for every $300K!  Local news.. the eulogy for Mrs Lee Kuan Yew goes on as more and more people sing praises of this great lady. Read in the papers that sun block is important to prevent cancer so the indianboyfriend is lugging the huge bottle of sun lotion along for his daily swim... Pretty hard work - all the body rub for a 15 min swim...
Today is Tuesday and the week moves on. Have a great Day for sure.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The View from the Top

Ha!Ha! You really do not know how much hair you have lost until you see a pic taken from the back. This a pic of the indianboyfriend at a company function. See the desert patch! It looks more serious than he thought... Hmm Bejing 101????Or opt for the Yul Brunner look which is quite fashionable nowadays!!!
Last weekend's news is dominated by the passing away of Mrs Lee Kuan Yew and the papers are all with testimonies on how great she is. There was a news report last night that LKY wore only CYC shirts and when CYC wanted to exhibit old designs, she brought in LKY's 1962 shirt, including the pink one she won on the independance of Singapore over TV... And that is not all! She also brought in the receipts for the shirt!!! More sad news as a young 20 year old girl, a medical student in London was killed by a hit and run double deckker driver. She was dragged for 1.6 km before she died!
On th sports side the Commonwealth began last night in New Dehli - they now have a problem of dengue fever hitting the games villages. The ceremony was telecast live but it was too much for the indianboyfriend.. too much drums...
Today is Monday and Mybakuteh has chickened out of exercise as she is too tired. The indianboyfriend fought the flu with a dripping nose, thinking he may throw in a sickie today but he is brand new and on top of the world!
Ha!Ha! Has crispy creme doughnut for breakfast... Bought a box from KL at the last trip two weeks ago.
Still waiting for the scoooby, dooby letter from doctor to do the colonscopy.
Today is Monday and have a great day!.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Children's Day

Ha!Ha! Happy Children's Day. No wonder the traffic is light this morning. managed to cross the ERP at 6.55 that is five minutes before the lights come on.
Local news... an Apache helicopter was forced to land in Woodlands due to tail problem and now all the fleet is grounded. Dr Balaji is reported to have volunteered to sign 470 certificates for Sinda a few days before his death despite the suggestion that the signatures be scanned. Rates in Singapore will drop by 3% next quarter. Overseas news.. Suu Kyi has been freed in Myannar but it will be tough for her considering her increasing age. In Perth, good news as shops can open to 9 pm!!!
Today is Friday and weekend is here again. Enjoy!