Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ha!Ha! Ang Mo pai Jetstar!

Surprise! Surprise! Jetstar left on time last evening! It was a pretty good flight except the the seats wouldn't recline! Alamat, the announcement all got Aussie twang one. Sat next to a young girl who took half an hour to fill in her card ( waiting to use her pen). Must have a lot of items subject to the tricky questions on the card! Competition on budget airline is heating up. Air Asia very bad. Put up a fill page advertisement to make fun of Tiger Air. Says if Tiger can fly, they would have been born with wings but Asia guaranteed all their flights. Then put in a picture of a silly looking Tiger soft toy some more!Anyway the immigration was swift and surprisingly efficient! Sarge Wen was enroute when we got out and it saves the trouble of parking! The best thing was when wake up this morning ( slightly chilly), bang sai straight away!
Ha!Ha! Holding on the Beak of a fish! That's another sail fish caught and released at Rompin! That day saw the Nat Geog program which says Florida tried to save the crocodile and now with protective act, there are zillions of crocs so that an adolescent went swimming in a creek and was gobbled up by a croc. Crocs also are found in their swimming pools. So there are pros and cons of conservation!
Ha!Ha! 7 days of lazing around. But no! There are some work to do in the garden. And now that Sarge Wen has left the car at home, it may be daily trips to Burswood to get free drinks and discounted meals. Oh yes, there has not been much activity in Perth for someone and he looks more rounded ( better looking for sure). And who is this? Hmmm clue a budding medical doctor!!!!
In Singapore Shadrake admitted in court there were errors in his book "Once a Jolly swagman" and alleges garmen give differential treatment to drug offenders. Today is Wednesday and Mid Week. Have a great Day ( at work - the indianboyfriend on leave). Talking about leave there is this joke over radio when a man say his Ah Beng friend in his house fang yue sze zai da de jiao. So he called him and asked, Ni gan ma? And his friend replied, "Wo on leave, leh".
Ha!ha! Work hard!

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