Friday, October 15, 2010

Drama at Yishun

Ha!Ha! small drama la. Last evening the lift broke down and a resident was stick on the 5th floor. When the indianboyfriend came back, they were doing the rescue. But garmen installed 3 lifts in block so life and jogging goes on.
Local news... Dolly Kassim, the football gelek king, passed away yesterday. He died while playing football in a veteran's game. He was only 61.  Who says exercise is good for you! At the Commonwealth games Singapore shone in shooting and table -tennis. In the finals, it was Singapore versus Singapore!
Today is Friday and Lee is back from her one week Rompin deep sea fishing - Rompin is famous for its marlin.Today is also the weekend. Then back to Perth for cuttlefish jigging at Woodies. Ha! Ha! In Perth it was reported crime in public transport ( and probably everywhere else) is rising.
Have a great weekend!

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