Friday, October 22, 2010

Kon Ba Tee Ka

Ha!Ha! Here is dinner last night and the first dish Lta Ennoying orders was Tee Ka!Hmm.. it was soon all gone...But Big Bowl doesn't seem so big now.
And here are the bowls - judge the size for yourself. The good thing about the Vic Park branch is that it is very special. And guess who hosted the meal?  The picture may be misleading though..
Ha!Ha! If you have eaten at Big Bowl you will now payment is at the counter!! And deserts? No - bubble tea.. red bean sago and chao ta lemonade...
Seems to be doing a brisk business but noticed all patrons are young people.  Local news ( aka Perth)... there is controversy over the stop and search rule by Police on people on the street. Went to see Eat Pray and Laugh on compliments of Kaledoscop3 but did not laugh much. Movie is a disappointment and so must be the book. But it will appeal to Americans as the falling and and falling out of relationship thing is a culture there. If you do go Bali do not see Ketut the Wise Man.. doesn't seem to be too wise at all. In Singapore the haze has crossed over to 100 psi. Today is already Friday and we are all geared to go to Canningvale to hunt for mangoes!!!
Meanwhile eat less, pray more and laugh alot... laugh at the people who have gone to see the movie.

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