Friday, October 29, 2010

Ko jit pei!

Ha!Ha! You can't say you have been to Perth unless you have eaten at Matsuri! But the menu for lunch and dinner seems a little different. You have to prove yourself if you want to finish the lunch box - only Sarge Wen and Lta Ennoying managed to do so. See the difference.
This is their $25 lunch box - jia beh liao man! But look at the same price for dinner.
Hmm... so when Lta Ennoying suggested lunch at Matsuri without knowing Kaledoscop3 brought us there already for dinner, the indianboyfriend said, why not! But should try the thick sushi at Sunday next time!
It rained last night! And it's back to expensive petrol - it is $1.82 in Singapore! Marina Bay Sands casino made $242 m in the last quarter! Looks like they always have the house edge.  Well  as for the indianboyfriend it is back to swimming and chai png. And also to the never ending Wu guo hua ( Score) where now Uncle Mark is being charged for hit and run driving. The good thing is that the ruo ku chai girl and Pierce and back again as one item. But while watching, the indianboyfriend wondered what happened to the junior master chef - where any more contestants forgot to put in the egg for their dessert!!!!
D Day is coming next Tuesday for the medical check up. Today is Friday and weekend is here. No canningvale but will look for some good orange buys at Aunty Lucy. The question is this Saturday. Will Mr Teo fly to Perth and visit?
Ha!Ha! May his brother will visit Yishun. Enjoy

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