Monday, October 18, 2010

Here is the food but where are the people?

Ha!Ha! Here is the pot luck luncheon at Henry Cheok's house on Sunday but where are the people? Well, open the door and here are the people!
Ha!Ha! Here are the people tucking in.  Funny thing as the indianboyfriend sat on the sofa and watched Iron Man II with Joab. Seems that he enjoyed and understood the movie as much as the indianboyfriend. Hmm wonder if his mentality has denegerated. But if you want to see trophies of Transformers and understand their names, you have to consult Joab.

Today is Monday and tomolo is flying off day! Spring in Perth - here we come. But not much goodies to bring as we are travelling Lite!!! Went to the company D & D last nite and all the indianboyfriend got was a $50 voucher... aiyah better than nothing even missing the $3500 cash by a mile. But this one is the last one man so no more lucky draw.
Have a great day today.

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