Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cannot Fly Lite Anymore!

Look what the indianboyfriend got for a retirement gift from his colleagues on personal basis! A 29 inch luggage. Think can put in the doggy guitar deal too! It is so big that it just fits into the car luggage compartment! Branded also man... Elle...On top of this 2 Dec is the personal luncheon given by them. The company HR also give one but this is on the 9 Dec...
16 Days more days to go, Man!!!
Local news... the Singapore Polo team was tasked for wear trunks made of Singapore Flag design by the garmen... Say it is disrespect especially when the stars touch the groin part!!!! In Perth NAB has restored all the accounts access. Lucky never bank with NAB. The lesson is to have more than one account in case it happens again!!!Managed to to get back to lunch time swim again but the long absence makes the 10 laps a little harder.  Liao more liu leh. Went to buy batteries for the TV and still cannot work!!! But Channel 8 quiet good to watch. Got angry with Starhub yesterday so call up and cancel HBO. If cannot fix it, may just cancel cable all together. Come to think about it, the only program the indianboyfriend watch is Monster Fish... Mybakuteh watches mainly cooking shows and CSI maybe...TV Tecnician Lee is coming over Wed to do a prognosis. But have a feeling have to bring the control set to exchange as it happened last time. Heard that Sarge Wen is having the sore throat now... Hope he is better today.
Today is Tuesday and make it another great Day!

Monday, November 29, 2010

TV spoil already!

Ha!Ha! Came back and found TV not working. Cannot switch channel. So open only see Channel 8... Ha!Ha! Call Starhub and took half an hour before some came to the line. Said she will get someone to call the indianboyfriend and as usually no sound no picture!
Garmen hinted next year budget will be good. So assumed there will be more goodies for the citizens.. GST payout man!
Lee did the doggy job well but the heist is in her office. She came to do ironing on Sat and cleaned up the house too!
Well it is Monday and continue to relish everyday!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Rupubzel Rupenzel Let down your hair!

Haq!Ha!It was a hard for the indianboyfriend with two  sessions ot training per day.But never mind leh, work does not kill you. Went off in the evening and saw the 3 D movie Rupunzel after reading review in papers. Pretty charming movie.Not much 3 D effects but the songs are quite nice especially I have a Dream But KL every funny. Want to sit monrail back but enormous queues for the ticket. Why? There was no one selling and this manager just walk in and out. Liuckily got taxi man. Local news... Garmen paying 3 1 /2 months bonus. Wah Lee got a windfall... nowadays work in garmen seems to be better as they can really pay! Korean skirmish sit not settle and Defence Minister resigns!
Lta Ennoying has stepped up hi Doggy deals so rope in an asscomplice to do local purchase.. Ha!Ha! you guess.. Lee Bond!  Now at loiunge enjoy soft boiled eyes brought to you, Long coffee and the works... Sigh.. today last day and tomorrow back to the modest Myhotel.. Ha!Ha! Today is weekend already so have a great Day and weekend.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

KLIA very naughty

Ha!Ha! Today got blog as got free WIFI access at Hilton hotel. Left Singapore at 4.15 pm and arrived in hotel only at 8 pm. The monorail in KL stopped service - it is under maintenance. Then walk walk walk to bus pick up point and then customs all jammed. Switch lanes and got worse. By the time got out the carousel stopped spinning and had to hunt for the books. Then the KLIA express wait very long then move. Aiyah thought very bad evening. Then Hilton came to the rescue. Upgraded me to 34 floor executive. Wow big room with working desk. Then free whole day access to lounge. As before 8.30 went to Lounge for free drinks and titbits. This tupe of titbits, including sushi, no need dinner. Then wide screen TV and sit down shower. At night sleep see panoramic view of lighted up KL. And now morning, sumptious breakfast. But today is hard work and then enjoy Hotel again. But did not bring swimming trunks. Laptop not bad - can access WIFI quite easily.
Have a Great Day! Sigh hope no traffic jam in KL this morning.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Blue, Blue, my Kueh Buru...

Ha!Ha! More Kuey buru from Melaka. Well always try a sample before purchase to get one extra! But alas... they are now lying on the table at home and soon will be in the fridge and then when mybakuteh returns, thrown away because they are mouldy!!!! Kai Wan Xiao.. think will finish the small box.
International news.. the Koreans are fighting again and hope this will not escalate to affect the global economies. Back home Jonathan, the ex-peeping Tom and downloader of child porn has had his MOE scholarship withdrawn...Fancy downloading illicit materials on the University's server... not very bright for a scholar for sure. In office, the farewell luncheon are starting to roll as there are 22md days to go!!!! There is an excellent 8 pm program on Channel 8 called Dream Plotters. They feature the handicapped and this one is about a 24 year old boy with muscular distrophy looked after by her not so well mother. When asked for 3 wishes, he simply wanted to meet his kind primary school teacher, get a pc on the bed and go for a cruise. And they fulfilled his dreams and made him very happy. Care when you watch this program as you may shed a tear or two!
Today is Wednesday Mid week! The indianboyfriend is heading to KL for work so there will be no blog until next Monday.
Have a great day and a good coming weekend!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Kin

Ha!Ha! Got invitation to Kin's party this Sunday but don't think can get the air ticket! A very happy birthday to Kin from all of us and also the animals in the clinic for sure!

Got my capped sunnies on and went to Yishun MRT to transact the doggy deal. There was an exchange over the phone with Zack asking where I was. Then I realised he was behind me. I asked Zach who is a Malay how I know his guitar is in good condition. He said three things. No scratches and I checked... Yep smooth as silk. Then he said the handle must be straight. Looks like a flag pole to me. Finally the strings no rust... Yep no rust. So paid and left. Ha!Ha! now the problem is how to get over to Perth with no case and no check in luggage. Maybe The indianboyfriend should take up guitar lessons with one lying around the house for some time!
World news. Stampede in Cambodia over the Loy Krathong water festival kills 340 people. It happened over a narrow bridge to an island! Local news ERP rate rising due to congestion on the road. No elections in December - maybe early next year. In Perth the Fremantle Prison won a tourism award!!! Better pay more attention to it next time. Had chai tow kay this morning.. very clever.. did not put the foiled food into the toaster as in the past it was still frozen inside. So put it in the micro wave for 3 minutes.. Don'r panic mybakuteh - the indianboyfriend did take out the tin foil first!!!Came out steaming hot.. Hmmm did the laundry last night too. Woke up this morning carrying a rolled up newspaper but no Scarface in sight this time...
Today is Tuesday already and it will be off to KL tomolo.
Have a great day!

Stylo Milo Sunnies!

Ha!Ha! Didn't know there is a female Woody Wood Pecky but there is the blury picture with the phone camera! I say man, rode the Mummy a second time and still frightened to death... Spent the rest of the day sedately watching the shows in air-con comfort ( feel asleep at every show!). But Unversal very good. give everyone a $5 food and $5 retail voucher. The food at Food Cord is $9.80 and less $5, it is a steal! Can't sat much for the refill container. It costs $19.90 each and every refill is $2/-. Better buy the bottle drinks at $3 each.
The Battele Star Galatica is still not up and the Madagascar boat ride is still work in progress.
Wah look like mafia in Malacca. Wanted to buy the clip on polariod but was offered the cap on glasses ( over the normal glasses) at 50% discount. Melaka has not changed but found the cheapest nyonya restaurant. Ate ayam poteh, sizzling toufu ( did not sizzle much), tou ya, and steaming otak with chendol for desert and the bill for two came up to only $35 ringgit.  The best was breakfast. Tried the famous yong peng noodles and two noodles and tea came to $9 ringgit. But the hotel ( Time Hotel) was a disappointment. Even the lobby is not airconditioned. And the toilet and shower is the same. Once you shower everything got wet. The redeeming feature is that the TV ( not flat screen of course) received Channel 5!
Yishun News.. Scarface family surfaced again. Spotted on in toilet this morning but it scampered away. Then another in the kitchen but it was no escape for the smaller one. The breakfast is depleting fast and ate the last Bak chang this morning. Think the Soon Kuay is next!!! Micro oven 3 minutes best for steaming hot bak chang! Asian games, Singapore now has 4 golds with more from Bowling and sailing. Today is Monday but it will be a short week as the indianboyfriend is off to KL for work on wednesday evening. Not all work actually as there is a weekend ahead in KL. Ha!Ha! Got a big job tonight for Lta Ennoying shaddy deal at Yishun MRT. Better wear the cap on sunglasses to night!
Have a great week!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Cheng Hu Chu Ang Tua!

Alamak. Got Red letter from Garmen yesterday. Say if do not pay electricity bill, they will cut off supply. How can they bully senior citizens like the indianboyfriend. Better go and see my MP that Ong person....On second thought must have cancelled off the GIRO by error in the clean up of the bank account last few weeks ago. Very pai seh.. what happen if neighbour find out got ang tua... Surely very diu lian man!!!
Anyway there is good news. Singapore at last got its first gold at the Asian Games.
While Remy Ong cried, Tao Li went ahead and swam for her life in the 50m Butterfly and retained the title she won at Doha. She has improved as she has also the silver for 100 m which she got bronze last time. Small size girl but with powderful strokes man!!! The 4 X100 1500 medlay was sensational last night.. Singapore was  in but it was between defending champs Japan and China. Japan led of course but half way China overtook and came in first. China celebrated and Japan cried. Then it was announced China was disqualified because one of the swimmers jumped before the returning one touched the wall. Then China cried ( and the Chinese girls in the crowd too) and Japan laughed. Because China and Iran were disqualified, Singapore came in fourth. Alamak.... one more disqualfication and we would have got bronze...Ha! Ha! relying on disqualification to win....
Perth news... Claremont Library has burnt down and 100 over youths were arrested over train  vandalism. In Singapore two silly youth boarded a MRT train and one took out a long knife to pose for a picture. Both were arrested.
Today is Friday and it company is giving a treat of a day off at Universal Studio - ticket paid! Going for the chills of the Mummy ride again!!!!
Weekend is here and tomorrow it is off to Melaka with Lee. Hope no jam as one time the bus did not leave the JB customs until 12 noon and mybakuteh and the indianboyfriend got to Melaka after 3 pm!!!
Have a great Day!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The True Ang Mo Kio!

Ha!Ha! Got this pic from Kaledoscp3 on Hari Hujan ( Rain) day yesterday. Really ang mo kio, man. This is part of her fruitful garden the indianboyfriend blog about. There will be more pics coming, so hang around.

What is this? Ha! Ha! The indianboyfriend at the cheapest hairdresser in Singapore... $5 cut.. Err actually not $5 as you can see the dark crop hair. It's extra $25 for ruan dou fa... But there is the back massage, the head massage and hair lotion, the hair jell. Adam's principle of division of labour is practised. The one who is cutting does not ruan and the one who washes is also different, I think. Luckily the indianboyfriend got the fat fat hairdresser... very professional... Talking about fat, the One Moment of Glory $50K went to Jill Marie... if she will to lose a little weight, she will become double the sensation she is now for sure! You know, lose to win!!!
Perth news.. season to watch whales now and have a whale of a time... Reported some hooligans at Northbridge hijack and bus and climbed to the roof to ride.. At the Asian Games, Remy Ong disappointed Singapore with a possible gold when he managed to hit silver only. We have 3 medals for bowling so far. In the swimming quite a disappointment as in all events Singapore is about the last. Champions in SE Asian Games but little fishes in the Asian. Today Tao Li is swimming and hope she will do something.
Hari Haji is all rain yesterday but the indianboyfriend did several things. One was the hair cut of course but then managed to watch a HBO movie for once. Also wrapped up the Christmas presents for Perth which mybakuteh has discovered. Today is Thursday and another day of work before the weekends again. This weekend the indian boyfriend is heading for Melaka with Lee.
More kueh buru????Ha! Ha! Have a great day!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kaili's also can lah

Ha!Ha! Talking about customer loyalty. They have switched from Circerello to Kaili's! Well this is a happy picture and no prizes on who the cameraman is! Good picture for Colgate advertisement. Hmm wonder if they have under ordered as Kalesdocop3 is chewing a fork.Can see growing facial hair on Sarge Wen? For a close up go to:http://au.movember.com/mospace/860826/ and when you are there, make a small donation to a worthy cause.
Garmen today say there will be bonus of 2.7 month this year and salary increase of 3.5%... probably only the garmen sector. Last year talk talk about coming out of recession and overdue bonus, also got nothing....Plem lan eh!
Eat your heart out, Perthians... Tomolo Hari Raya Haji.... holiday man... The indianboyfriend planning to go to Chong Pang for the $5 hair cut. Must choose the fatty hairdresser - very good at snip snip...
Overseas news... Singapore got its first bronze in Billards so it makes 2 - one silver and one bronze. They are aiming for 10 after sending over 200 people there. China leads with 19. They have a 1000 competitors but cannot blame them as it is on home ground.
Have a great day, everyone!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Cho nuen jit hio ji jit ( Zuo liang dian xiu xi yi dian)

Ha!Ha! Ice cream for all in Perth... Baskin Robins... what about the Korean ice-cream at the place near Lta Ennoying's home.. And here is the verdict from June and Ramish of the best experiences;
1 injidup spa massage

2  Erravilla country retreat and Enzo the dog ( how about Pirate?)
3 Pavlova at Lamont's
4 Cape Naturaliste wines (prices and quality)
5  Sparky (?) and Sparkle ( Hmm cat lover for sure )
Talking about Langford, there has been a reported stabbing in the papers.. Got to unmuzzle Pirate man!!
Ha!Ha! This will be a great week as Haji holidays in on Wed. Work two days and rest one day! They have flown in the sheep for slaughter from Aussieland despite the Merapi volcanic ash.
Saw Megamind over the weekend... No as wonderful as touted by the reviews.. They should have made him look a little better. I think it is Minion that stole the show... But again it reminds you the power of love. What love can do to a man in changing his life.
Guangzhou news... Singapore Tao Li got the first silver for Singapore in Swimming.. World news, Vettel is now the F1 champ ( yawn.. so what? Ha!Ha!). In Yishun a young girl having a drink in Ginza Pub in Sembawang - did not know there were pubs in homely Yishun- got slashed by strangers.. well more of cuts.. The trick now is if anyone ask if you are a gang member, quickly deny everything... tell them the only number you play with are Toto...Hee Hee.

Today is Monday but it will still be a great week in Perth, Haji or no Haji.
Have a great day for sure and stick around for more news about Kaledoscop3 garden ( no I have not forgotten).

Friday, November 12, 2010

Kalesdoscop3 Garden Tour

Ha!Ha! Visit the COMO house where Kalesdocop3 lives and you will be surprised at the lushness of the garden. First, look at the mini apple tree. No much leaves but got apples man.
Another apple growing furiously on a little leaved plant... Hmm.. More to come in this tour if you stick to this blog...
Today is Friday again and it's weekend. But weather here is pretty drab with showers all the time. Better be braced up for monsoon floods too. The indianboyfriend did not go jogging because of the evening rain. World newds remenber to watch the Asian Games opening ceremony this evening. Promised to be a water event as it is on the island on Pearl river. China will probably come tops with Korea and Japan fighting for second. Singapore has been ambitious and have sent 200 over people to this event. So far the soccer team has crashed out. Ha!Ha! Maybe the shooters will do us proud!
 Have a great weekend for sure.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ko sai chap gor jit leh!


Ha!Ha! The Countdown begins... 35 Days to Retirement!! The last day of work (Ha!Ha! No more work) is 16 Dec!!!! Imagine having worked 44 years continuously already!!!
Perth news.. another car smashed into a house in Morley and missed the occupants having tea... First Mashuri and now they are moving to the suburbs!!Last night was ironing night and tried zi zhar instead of MSG chai png... Local news... a fifth boy has been charged with murder over the Downtown sensless parang slashing and 6 suspects have been rounded up for the Bukit Panjang slashing. Weather man in Singapore predicts more rain for the rest of the year and will continue until January.
Today is Thursday and it is late night shopping again...The indianboyfriend has returned to his swimming routine hoping that there will be lesser afternoon showers. The good news is next Wed is a holiday - Hari Raya Haji.. so another short week.
Have a great day.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cold Breakfast with Jam

Ha!Ha! Woke up and look at the clock - 5.30 pm. Snooze and then woke up and it was 6.30 pm.. Jumped out of bed but met with a Massive traffic jam at CTE... That was the jam for breakfast. The ERP started flashing and it costs the indianboyfriend $2 - more than the fare of the MRT! No time to put bread into the toaster so cold brekkie less $2! What a start today! But confident things will change.
The silly 9 pm serial became more silly and switched to the Rail Travel on Channel 5. Today is Wednesday and it's ironing night again for Lee.
Looks like everything is going well for June in November in Perth! Oh yes more gang parang slashing at Bukit Panjang - 7 teenagers were involved and police believe it is linked to 3 6 9 ( sa la kau) gang. In Perth an eighty over year lady died in her beckerman home for six months before being discovered. A real tragedy as the only  next of kin is mentally retarded son.
It's mid week and continue to live the zest of life!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pei Kee Pei low hi, ang moh jai kow sai!

Ha!Ha! Big congrats to Sarge Wen for passing the second final CA paper. And a credible job it was, as the score was a very respectable good pass. The economic success of all migrant societies has always been in education. Use your brain. Our forefathers family made an impact on society because they invest in education. So are the minorities like the Negroes in USA - they rose in society because of education. Morale of the story - to succeed by work performance is difficult and subjective, but qualitication is a non disputer. And what so difficult than sitting in an air-condition room and exercise your eyes? Reminds me of a joke of a scientist going brain shopping and saw one with an astronomical price. Why he asked. Because it was seldom used!!! Ha!Ha! No more preaching but return to praising. WELL DONE, Sarge Wen!
The QF A380 engine that explodeed over Bataam has debris all over the plane... looks like the debri pei lo hai ( fei jin hai), not the pei kee ( fei ji). When all planes are grounded now. Heard also Air Asia offering free flights to Bali! In Perth interest raises are going to raise and already 3 houses are repossessed by the Bank every day since July.. reported these are investment homes bought probably during the downturn... At home no sign of Dengue Checker ...There is a new TV series which is as bad as the Score... which don't know how it ended... The new series Mrs PI ... is really a let down. Maybe it is a blessing in disguise to have opportunity to watch other channels.. The indianboyfriend slept early last night and he is as good as gold. Hmm must resume swimming today.
Ha!Ha! June is now in Perth and wondered if she had eaten the yi tou mi feen yet!!!  It's raining today again in Singapore. Have a great Day.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Chai Png Neung Bao

Ha!Ha! Startled the Chai Png Man with a big order of TWO packets. That was because of Ironing night. Lee came over and gave hints of deep sea fishing as she ironed. Always be ready for the size of fish. Her friend caught a whopper and both rod and person were pulled into the water. An expensive experience as the $500 rod went a missing! Wear gloves when line finishing as sudden fish pull can laserate the fingers, if not slice it off. Look out for hooks - there was a man who had five small bait hooks embedded on his fingers. Wah... so much to worry about man!
One of the benefits of going to Mount E for the scope was the discovery of a Pan Ayam Penyet shop in Lucky Plaza... Ha!Ha! All kinds of penyet on sale man! Local news.. three man have been arrested over the senseless murder at Downtown East and will be charged with murder. The indianboyfriend thought gang fights, staring and use of parangs were things of the past. Perth news.. there is a murder of a 48 year old man in Langford.. wonder if it is the same Langford where Lta Ennoying stays. But with Pirate keeping AN eye on the house, which fool would dare to venture near! Ha!Ha!  Also a teenager girl was bitten by a shark while dolphin swimming. Overseas news, Oh Ma!Ma! the Repbublicans are back. Poor Obama is now in shock as the house of Representatives are now taken back by theRepublicans. The Senate line is also thin but Democrats are the majority there.
Tomorrow is the indianboyfriend's holiday.. Deepavali. Ha!Ha! The indianboyfriend worked a three day week this week. Crunch, crunch.. Aussie muffins are running out. This morning this the second last one! Happy late night shopping and have a great weekend. No blog until Monday!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Ordeal is over (hmm..that so?)

Ha!Ha! That is how our Movember Champ will look like in a couple of months time. Sarge Wen is running out of shaving blades and decided to put in a good cause for prostate sickness. And this is done by keeping a facial hairy - the reverse of cancer where the hair is shaved. You can help by making a small donation on line at And now the true account of Colonoscopy revealed at last! Alamak when wheeled into the theatre just like Media Corp Chinese drama but this time on the bed seeing the ceiling as the bed glides pass. Well the hard part is drinking the two bottles of 45 ml fluid the night before. It tastes like concentrated sea water and you feel like puking. And Puking you will do on the reverse end of your body in the night. About every two hours. And it is not bang sai but lau sai type with  watery liquid all the time. When the liquid turns white you are about cleaned. But very embarrassing when at the clinic at 8 am still have to do one last discharge.  Once you are in the theatre, the doctor gives you an injection and you are konk out! The next moment you are out and some one wakes you and offer you sandwiches and orange juice! That was the best thing as you are weak from no food and dehydration. And the reward - one day MC!
Look at the pics of the small and large intestines  - very clean- cleaner than the HDB monthly corridor wash.
Gruelsome isn't it. The biggest horror in the procedure was when the indianboyfriend change back the clothes and found his mobile missing. Panicked he ran out to the lounge to check but no phone. Alamak die already as phone is company. So went back and put on shoes. Praise the Lord, the phone is inside one of the shoe. It has fallen off the pocket and into the shoe!
Talking about prostate, the next test in the afternoon as the ultrasound of the prostate. This hurts. The equipment is inserted up the rectum, ouch!, and then twirl around to take snapshots... You would never want to go through this again. Any way it is done but results will be know later. Praise the Lord the indianboyfriend passed the Scoopy Doop with flying colours. See you in five years time says the good Doctor!
Local news.. the teen who was slashed at Downtown East was unfortunate as he was the only one who had the sliding door closed on him when the gang was fleeing. 4 suspects have been caught and will be charged with first degree murder. In Perth there is an unfortunate case of an Artist who feel into his bakyard pool and drowned. And in Busselton, there is a 98 year old man who still works at the newstand. Imaging at 80, he was contemplating whether to retire or not!
Back at Media corp the Score ( Wu Guo Hua) is falling in place along what maybakuteh suspected. Anna was the unfaithful one but not so much unfaithful as forced to conceive to save her son from Luekemia. Anyway everyone dies or in hospital. Tianlan's mother died in hospital, Anna's husband tried to run down Mark but was injured and in a critical condition in hospital. Anna's son when he realised Tianlan was the sister, swam out to sea and killed himself. So the end must be near as soon there will be no more characters left!
The indianboyfriend is curious about the Junior Masterchef. Is Sophia still on top? Anyway got to be content with Chai png now.
Praise the Lord for the successful medical check up. Have a great day!

Monday, November 1, 2010

An ideal Bday Pressie

Reavealed at last, the indianboyfriend's belated pressie. It's a Toshiba note book. Just the nice gift for pre retirement. In his excitement theindianboyfriend went out and bought a stylo milo optical microsoft mouse... wireless leh.  The silly thing was the indianboyfriend spent some time looking for the My computer icon on the laptop and it was not there! (It was in the start menu). Anyway decided to call it Toby.
Ha!Ha! The is the meal before the indianboyfriend's flight back from Perth last week. It contains the ta bao ma la soup which is still too spicy for most of us. And what were we eating? Mybakuteh's fried mee hoon!
Local news... a 19 year old boy was needlessly stabbed in a gang fight over Halloween at Down Town over a staring incident. In Perth, a man is fighting for his life after prankster threw eggs at his car and he crashed it. Never use you wiper when eggs are thrown at your windscreen as the yolk will blind the vision. Whole news - the new Miss World is from America- wonder got kelong or not, although the event was held in Hainan Dao.
Tomorrow is C Day- Scoopy doopy doop! Ha! Got to drink two bottles of the yakky solution tonight! And today will be a muay day... Decided to skip breakfast this morning although the muffins were tempting. The theory is simple - nothing in, nothing out! Ha!Ha! This is a short week as Friday is Deepavali!!! Hmm better visit Letchmi on her new year!
It's Monday but it is another great Day the Lord has given to us. Live it well!